need turkey help eye swolen


AA Poultry
10 Years
Jun 28, 2009
middle tenn
i have a royal palm hen that has a swolen eye and side of her head is swolen. what is it and how do i treat her. the side of her head is swolen more than her eye. thanks for the help
steve of sands poultry said it was a sinus infection. isolate the bird and get tylan powder and mix in the water. there is also the injectable kind if you know how to give, tsc , most feed stores should have it

she was fine this morning,,I put some tetracycaline in their water..she seems alert and is eating some. Its just so weird that it would all of a sudden come up like this!
well, all i could find mon was the duramyacin, at our co-op, she is not any better or worse, about the same. other than the side of her head swolen she seems fine. i live out in the sticks, so when my wifee gets of work wed she is going on a tylan powder hunt. her eye is open, just the side of her head is swolen. reminds you of a bad bee sting. and i would like to thank steve of sands poultry for the helpful, hands on advice. thanks
Tractor Supply store have it, or order some from
It definitely sounds like a sinus or mycoplasma infection. Tylan is great for both, or any med that is based for mycoplasma infections will work if you cant find Tylan. If mycoplasma (chronic respiratory disease) it is contagious, treat all your birds for a few days, usually takes a week or two to get over it, no fast over night cure for it

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