Need your help in Wisconsin - brief survey for chicken keepers


10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
I’m part of a group working to legalize backyard chickens in Shorewood, WI, just outside Milwaukee. We have created a brief 10-item survey to gather info to help us respond to the concerns of our Village board. Please take the survey if you keep chickens in an urban or dense suburban area, and please share the survey with your network of backyard chicken enthusiasts:

Nicole Bickham
Shorewood, WI
I did the survey. As a former Milwaukeean, I find it odd that chickens are illegal everywhere except Oak Creek. I saw plenty of Hispanic households with goats in their yards on the southside of Milwaukee.
Welcome to the board!
Good luck!
*waves merrily at nlbickham*

Hi! I'm in Brown Deer and working towards the same you have a group of people working together? Or...? Anyway, support is good. What else do you have going? So far I'm just working up strategy and I haven't found anyone interested. I can't put up flyers at the moment because my printer ran out of toner. Any suggestions, I'm open, or if you're looking for support, etc, pm me.

Oh, and HobokenChickenEmergency, what kind of Corgi do you have? I've got a two year old Cardi named Muggle who can't wait to get some chickens in our backyard...he wants something more pliable to herd than my kids, jk.
I have no idea. We found her outside Big Lots last summer and couldn't find her owners. Our vet seems to remember a load of black and white Welsh Corgi's being rescued from a puppy mill nearby, so I'm guessing that's where she originally came from. She was already spayed and tattooed when we found her, so she was routed through the Humane Society at some point.

I think it's sad that we couldn't locate an owner. I always picture some poor little old lady missing her dog, but it's been almost a year with no answers.
Taken. Best of luck! Also, I added this in my comments section, hope it helps:

" The idea oftentimes seems unwholesome due to stigma attached to chickens, ideas cultivated by how they're kept and handled in the poultry industry. They frequently have the notion that their crazy neighbor is wanting to keep a flock of noisy, unintelligent, mean, smelly meat birds in small cages or the like, and these are all ideas that result from the industry keeping them in substandard conditions and paying little attention to proper husbandry, and little to do with the animal.
At their base state, a chicken is no different than any other pet animal one might want to keep, an intelligent bird that comes in a variety of colors, shapes, heritages, and uses. Indeed, even notice the difference in connotation when I refer to them as merely "birds" (as they are), rather than "chickens"!
In summary, there is little reason to ban the reasonable ownership of backyard fowl, provided they are kept clean, happy and quiet, as most opposition stems from the incorrect notion of a what poultry ownership entails. "
Hey, would it be possible to post the results here (or somewhere else public with a pointer here)? I'm sure other people on BYC will be interested to read the results as well.
I would very much like to see the results of the poll here and suggest that the name of this thread be changed by the original poster.

If there is value to a broader based survey - and that seems to be what Nicole suggested - identifying only one state simply deters participants.

Here is a part of my responses to the poll:

Every nearby neighbor has a dog except the people with no fencing directly across the road. Some have 2 dogs. Some have hounds. Some have no lawn in their backyards, only holes and crap from the dogs. Some dogs bark incessantly.

Some neighbors have cats. Some of these cats are not inclined to stay home. These cats poop and pee all around the neighborhood. I cannot go out into my own backyard without hearing dogs and smelling cat pee and sometimes, dog poop.

I have neither cats nor dogs. The combined size of my 4 laying hens is less than the weight of one medium sized dog or 2 cats. They certainly do not have as much of a presence as the animals found in the other yards in the neighborhood.

Suggest that roosters would not be kept. That is reasonable.

. . . just my 2¢ ♪♫

Steve's digitS'

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