Need your help with pipped egg! Added *PICS* of babies!


16 Years
Jul 2, 2008
West TN

-ok it pipped last night at 9:30pm

-at 3:30pm today it pipped big enough to be a small hole

-between 4:30pm and 6:00pm it zipped 1/4 of the way around the egg

-no progress since about is still peeping and if i peck on the 'bator it will move


1.) the feathers are very dry now, so how do i know if the membrane is too dry?

2.) i am using the egg carton method and it started zipping up high and went down to the carton, so will that keep it from hatching

3.) my humidity is staying right around 60% so is it ok for a long time as long as the humidity is good

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Not sure about your questions, but wanted to wish you good luck and
for ya!

This is from another thread "pip to hatch....How long?"
Posted by WindyOaksYokes
Chickies can last about 8 hours in the incubator okay, just make sure you have air circulating so they have enough. I have noticed with my hatches it can take up to 24 hours, but we have noticed that most take 5 to 8 hours.​
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If it were me, i would help. Please read the sticky at the top of this topic on how and when to help. Biggest issue is not to help too soon, before the yolk is absorbed or before it has had time to draw the blood out of the membrane. But if it looks dry, it is probably stuck and not able to proceed. Don't be afraid, just stop and wrap a warm damp paper towel around if you encounter blood.

And please do read the "Read Me's on Hatching" posted by Silkiechicken - very helpful!

You were right about it drying...I helped it out, the membrane was shrink wrapping him (and I do mean "HIM" because he is huge and he came out with a well developed comb already!)

But before I even started helping him, the other one (green egg) was zipping around the shell as I watched and he zipped all the way around in about 30 min then popped right out!!

So now I have two chicks - three remaining eggs - one pipped, two just sittin' there lookin' pretty.

needmorechickens! :

But before I even started helping him, the other one (green egg) was zipping around the shell as I watched and he zipped all the way around in about 30 min then popped right out!!


It's funny how they do that, isn't it? I had a lot that came out so fast, they had to have sprigs attached!!​
Yes its awesome when they pop out quickly! I wish they would all be that easy! (It must be a girl!)
Here are the babies:
This is the EE that was in a green egg...pipped, zipped and popped out in about 7 hours...

Another pic of the EE baby...


This is the one that pipped yesterday and I had to "help" tonight...he is a big one, but exhausted here...


One more is pipped so I may have another in the morning!! Must go to bed now!


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