Neighbor dog

I would highly recommend a few strands of electrified wire around the base of your coop, and another a little higher up. Since you are unable to dig your fence in, this would be the next best thing. Dogs (and other predators) learn REAL QUICK to respect a fence that 'bites'.
Oh my.. Lab or not.. Never grab a strange dog. Just because one person's lab is as sweet as can be does not mean that the next person's dog is, or worse, that the dog is not a fear biter. Be careful if you try to catch any strange dog.
Oh my.. Lab or not.. Never grab a strange dog. Just because one person's lab is as sweet as can be does not mean that the next person's dog is, or worse, that the dog is not a fear biter. Be careful if you try to catch any strange dog.

True. I should have worded that better. No grabbing, just a bribe, perhaps.
I was thinking more along the lines of luring it with a treat and slam the door. Because most Labs will fall for that. As for ANY other dog, no. Though I do have a hound that would fall for most anything.
The neighbor that lives in between me and this guy has a small son. The dog owner has warned her not to let her son near the dog (the son sees him tied out and wants to go over to him). I'd probably tell that woman and her son the same thing, no matter how friendly my dog was.

However, either way I'm not planning on grabbing the dog any time soon. Just thought it was odd for animal control to ask me to "contain" the dog.
1: Yup animal control is just an ornament.

2: Never scream at anything if your intent is to capture or kill it. That dog is likely to act entirely different if you don't flail your arms and make like a banshee.

3: If you don't want to shoot the dog then don't, but at least now you know about slugs (no spray with a single ball and they are much larger than a .22) .

4: Those nice people broke several laws, I certainly hope you filed a formal complaint.
I lost a 4 month old pygmy goat to a dog about 6 months ago. I will not tolerate dogs after my a few weeks ago when 2 strange dogs showed up on my property and I called AC and they told me it might be "tomorrow" before they were able to get to me...I promptly informed them that I knew what the ORC stated and that I WOULD shoot the dogs if they went after my animals. Needless to say AC was out within 30 minutes. One dog was captured and one got away (haven't seen it since).

As long as you know what you're rights are regarding the issue AND you're willing to do it - don't hesitate if the dog comes around again. If the neighbors don't respond to your phone call, send them a polite note (until then keep the chickies confined)...I also would include a copy of the law with the note. Trust me...better that they know what your rights are to protect your animals as much as you do.

Good luck!
I got a facebook message (well actually, it's my favorite chickens' facebook so she got the message) from the girl that owns the dog 9 hours after the incident and my contacting her and the homeowner. Apparently the dog "slipped its collar last night" and she couldn't find it and it showed back up this morning on the porch.

No phone call from her nor did her boyfriend, the homeowner, call. I know he knows because the nosy next door neighbor came over to tell me she ran into the homeowner who mentioned that the dog was apparently at my house today chasing chickens and he will be keeping it in the garage tonight instead of outside on its chain. I'd like a more formal plan but I'll wait for hard feelings to blow over a bit then head over there. I did ask to be notified any time the dog had "escaped."

At least the dogowner (via facebook) asked if there were any damages for her to pay. Everyone on this end is still alive but incredibly skittish where they used to be so friendly and calm. I hope soon they'll be back to normal. I assume egg production will also be amiss for awhile and it's already started: someone laid a shell-less egg on the poop board while trying to roost tonight.

Animal Control never called back after getting the initial info from me.
Sounds like they are concerned the dog got out and onto your property. That's progress to have them at least on the same page.

I completely agree that a hot wire around your run is in order.
You don't want to be at the mercy of their dog containment to protect your flock. I would be looking for something I could do vs trying to get others to do what they should.

I hear you that killing a dog is an unnecessary burden on you. I wouldn't want to have to resort to that if I could protect my chickens with additional fencing or a hot wire.
good luck!!!!
I wouldnt shoot the neighbors dog unless it was on your property being agressive to you...

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