Neighbor Problems

sometimes fences make the best neighbors I lived in the city all my life my last neighbors were of the snewty bunch. Gawd knows how many times they called animal control on me about my dog that never left my backyard.
the fence does not have to be a big 10' privacy fence...

a lil white picket fence "decoration" may do the trick..just make it tall enough the chickens dont roost on it or fly over it
If my hens to down the hill to my neighbor's property and their dog gets them, I have no grounds to complain. My fence is for my chickens' protection and to keep roaming dogs from just running across the property. As was stated, it doenst have to be an expensive fence. My 4 and 5 ft welded wire fences work just fine to keep my girls in (I have standards, not banties, except for one).

Even though you think you've been a good neighbor and I'm sure you have, your neighbor may not think that you should allow your birds to come onto his place, even when you have been generous with your eggs, etc. It's just best to provide a barrier for the safety of your birds and to avoid unpleasant neighbor relations. I'd not tell them you are putting up a fence since it is your right on your own property, aside from any covenants preventing it. Just do it and if they question it, the explanation is that you are keeping your girls home so they dont bother the neighbor.(never mind that it also keeps that neighbor off your property, LOL)
I had neighbors that were great, until we realized our property line was about 40ft on "their" side and wanted to put our trampoline on it. It turned ugly quick. You really don't want to have an awkward relationship with your neighbor, besides, you never know when you'll need him for something.
I agree with the decorative fence idea, (just an idea) if money is a huge issue maybe you could find some pallets for free or cheap and re-do them to make 'em cute.

Good luck.
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Fence , clip a wing on each bird and CUT OFF THEIR EGG SUPPLY!! When he comes sniffing around explain your sorry to have bothered him with your chickens and you assumed since they were such a bother that he didnt want any eggs from them.
I'd find a cheap fence to put up, maybe like deer fencing/netting. Do a search for that and you'll find all kinds of stuff.

This will keep the chickens in and neighbors out, especially the truck and foot traffic. Have the neighbor take out his herb garden and move it to his own property away from the chickens. And don't give any more free eggs.

Good luck!
Go to Tractor supply and buy a roll of cheap fencing and some metal posts. You don't have to use it for the whole property line. Buy whatever you can afford for now. Fence as much as you can for now and temporarily fence the rest with that cheap orange snow fence. Replace the snow fence bit by bit as you can afford it. If the neighbor complains, just say that it was the only thing you could afford to keep the chickens in your yard and it will be replaced in time. Also, tell him that you are very sorry because you have been worried that the chickens might eat the herbs in the garden and get sick so the garden will have to be moved to his side of the fence. Tell him that you were also talking with your insurance agent and he advised you that you could have serious liability and coverage issues if you let others burn in your property (you probably really would). No more burn pile in your yard for him! And no more eggs either! You don't have to give him a reason for the eggs, just stop giving them.

It is very important to keep your chickens on your property. All pet owners should keep ther pets on their own property.
Don't send that letter! You can't take it back, and it sounds like you know perfectly well that it will not serve you, or this relationship.

Fence, like everybody here says, and then be polite, and stop holding grudges. If you're this annoyed and feel this taken advantage of, they probably feel exactly the same way, mirror image.

So fence the property, go on being as friendly as you can, and separate the stuff that makes you angry from the realities of having a possibly lovely neighbor, once these thorny issues are resolved.

best of luck.
I have to be honest is just not fair! and obviously they are not going to see your side of this matter what folks never do and they probably say the same things you do

so I agree with everyone I have had "annoying" and "unfair" neighbors and it can really suck!

I will always concede to someone else when push comes to shove over any neighborhood issue because I feel if I am the one who hears it maybe I need to do something!

I now live in a most wonderful neighborhood where folks really do just keep to themselves and offer support and friendship only as needed and are never intrusive

ours was an issue of putting up a fence sweet neighbors thought something was wrong when we told them we were going to fence in the yard ..they were so sad "you are fencing youself in from us?" we gave them a picture of what we wanted to do made sure it would be attractive in thier landscape as well ..explained it was to "contain" our dogs and keep them safe (being animal lovers they understood this) and we put a beautiful hand made gate right under one of their trees that is unlocked and has a pathway between us so we still look connected with them ..

I had never had this concern before and it was actually sweet!

I think with neighbors there is always a really fine line of "fairness" and what seems fair to one is not going to always seem that way to others

you see giving eggs and not complaining about parking ect as a fair trade and all these people see is your chickens are getting in their yard ..they do not see the whole "trade" thing

build a fence make it as attractive as you can for as affordable a price as you can ...and enjoy your chickens in your own yard
good luck to you!

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