Neighbor rant... Update, hind sight is always 20 20.

I am soooo sorry your going through all of this.

Sounds like our town, its all about who you know. There are families in our town that have been here for what seems like forever. They also get over on a lot of things, they know how to get the strings pulled. My DH and I are tired of fighting so we bought property somewhere else. I only have to hold out here for one more year.
If the judge knows the guy and did not recuse himself, things will go very badly, for him/her. That's a career ender, trying to subvert justice.

thats true. Is it possible to ask for another judge????
My cousin is going through this with a neighbor, and the Prosecutor pressed the charges, had her get a RO, and it goes to trial soon. It is just terrible that people can get away with this, and I guess this Prosecutor, is sick of it. We don't live in a small town though, so maybe it is just more common, IDK? I hope they throw the book at your trouble maker, no one should have to live in fear in their own home!
Alright, well this morning was pretty much a bust. We couldn't talk to anyone (Judge, DA, ADA), for the shear fact that we have only had ONE run-in with this David, and in the state of MA you have to have at least THREE. Which is pretty darn ridiculous since the next time -shudders- could be worse. I don't think this guy is stupid enough to try anything else, but something is brewing since it has been very quiet at his father's house lately -- which is VERY odd. As for our trip to the court house, we talked to a very nice woman, Rachel. She said that under the statues of MA's harassment laws (at least for the 258E order), we can't do anything unless it happens two more times. However, she was astounded that the officers who came when I called 911, didn't arrest him! I have a feeling I know why (check original post). Any who, she said it was most definitely assault, intimidation, trespassing (since he didn't leave when told to), and terroristic threats. We are waiting for another call from the officer that called last night to see what other options we can pursue.
Oh and while doing some research online I came across something very interesting:
, I feel safe in this town - not! I also found three other very similar rulings by this particular Judge is the past. Not sure if this is the Judge who denied the order or not. The name sounds very similar to the one my mom heard being said by the cop though. Will see. This cop really is a great guy, and does care. It was really funny though, talking to him last night I mentioned that Alan (David's father) was a big-shot back in the day, and he looked at me and said "Well, I've never heard of him". So it appears that Alan hasn't corrupted the whole force anyway (not that I can prove that is why his son wasn't arrested. Just a mere suspicion).
One more thing, we can get an arrest record on him if we pay $30(maybe more) and get approved to see it, or press charges (i hope we can do that anyway) and wait for a case number, then we can look then up for free at the courthouse, supposedly.
That's all the news for know. Thanks again everyone.
Arrests are public records, meaning that any citizen has the RIGHT to see them. Occasionally there is a small charge for copying expenses, but $30 is ridiculous (unless there are many, many pages). Call up your local newspaper and talk to them. See if you can find a reporter who wants to investigate political, police and judicial corruption.

For the arrest records, file a Freedom of Information Act request for hte information. Also, get copies of the police report from the other night and on your own research the statutes relating to an order of protection or restraining order. Make sure they are looking in the correct places. Also, you might want to call and speak someone with an organization that provides refuge for battered spouses. Not that that is exactly the situation, but there are a great number of similarities & parallels.
I once had reason to check the arrest record of an acquaintence. I just walked in to the courthouse and asked to see it. After taking out a few confidential pages (psychiatric evaluations) I was given his file to peruse. No fee. Something doesn't add up here.
David was charged with "Assault" today. He will receive a summons to appear in court to answer the criminal charge. (still waiting on more info)

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