Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

Lol! Have you thought of getting guinea hens? They are much much worse than roosters if you don't like that noise. I have a pair of guineas and happen to like the noise they make. However, if your nasty neighbor doesn't like roosters then guineas or the previous suggestion of pea fowl is definitely the way to go. Chin up! We are all on your side!
Get donkeys, geese, guineas, peafowl, and Turkeys. Let them free range on your 20 acres. Put the food and water on his property line about 50 ft. back. Then ignore his rants.
HOG Pen....
ABSOLUTELY take it to law enforcement and document everything he threatens you with(and make sure the cops do too)! You do not know whom you are dealing with here and this could get very dangerous! Stand up for your rights, but be safe!
Some of the advice you've gotten is not going to help your situation. Carrying a shotgun would be among the worst & it could end up with you being the one facing legal problems.
I disagree 100% with this post. If I had 20acres I would practice with my fire arms once a week or so. If you have a nice embankment on the property I would use that area as a practice area. Let him see you carrying your weapon to your practice area, And let him hear you pop off some shots. I would almost guaranty that this guy would never bother you again. Right now he thinks your a helpless single young lady all alone. Let him know you have the company of Mr. Smith and Wesson, in a non-threatening way of course.
As a woman alone I would recommend a large dog to alert you when you are sleeping,and protect you if someone attacks you.
Hey guys

Well I haven't heard much from the neighbor since the humane society came out. Of course he is still out there staring and shaking his head at me, but that's easy enough for me to ignore.

I did call back to the sheriffs office and spoke to the same gentleman. Told him about the humane society coming out and all that. He thought that it was great that they came out so there is documentation on the welfare of my animals. He has a file started with the information I have given him so far.

I have the sheep now!!
5 Katahdin ewes and 2 boys for meat this fall. I have been so stinking busy I keep forgetting to eat. Lots of fence to build/fix for these sheep. I am thinking about getting a donkey for a sheep guardian, right now they are penned at night. I can't really afford to get LGDs right now, even though I would love to!! But those big dogs eat a lot of dog food. I am sure the neighbor would be thrilled about a braying donkey next door.
Lol! Have you thought of getting guinea hens? They are much much worse than roosters if you don't like that noise. I have a pair of guineas and happen to like the noise they make. However, if your nasty neighbor doesn't like roosters then guineas or the previous suggestion of pea fowl is definitely the way to go. Chin up! We are all on your side!
I have thought about some guinea hens for tick control. But dont really want to have to get the brooder going again right now. I keep an eye on craigslist for adult birds, but those seem to be few and far between.
This is so true. Plus should the situation ever escalate where the police end up out there, when she tells them about the ongoing problem the first they will ask will be why were they not notified sooner.

Either way I wish the OP much luck with this situation. I hope he moves away. Then I will move in next door, have lots of ducks, chickens and goats and we can swap canning recipes over the fence.
Yes you should move in next door!! I want a cool neighbor that has farm animals!!!!

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