Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

I found this thread a few days ago and had to take the time to read through it all. All I can say is Wow!
I would definitely be doing exactly as most of the previous posters had said. Report his behavior, talk with an attorney, post the no trespassing signs. The last thing I would add is learn how to shoot a gun! Being a woman in the country you should know how to protect yourself and your animals with one. I in no way condone violence against other human beings, but I myself am a young country mom. I have 3 daughters aged 5 and under and my husband travels for work much of the time. You had better believe that I have access to the firearms when needed and I know how to use them if I need to.
It sucks that you have to go through this but keep your positive demeanor and be polite when you ask him to leave your property the next time he comes over uninvited. Look around a for women's farmers groups and see what you can do to be a member. It helps to have support from others who have forged these roads ahead of you.
A women's farmer group would be amazing!!

I do own firearms and know how to use them. I deer and elk hunt every fall. Well I bow hunt for elk, better chances during bow season than rifle. Less crazies in the woods. lol
Hey guys

Well I haven't heard much from the neighbor since the humane society came out. Of course he is still out there staring and shaking his head at me, but that's easy enough for me to ignore.

I did call back to the sheriffs office and spoke to the same gentleman. Told him about the humane society coming out and all that. He thought that it was great that they came out so there is documentation on the welfare of my animals. He has a file started with the information I have given him so far.

I have the sheep now!!
5 Katahdin ewes and 2 boys for meat this fall. I have been so stinking busy I keep forgetting to eat. Lots of fence to build/fix for these sheep. I am thinking about getting a donkey for a sheep guardian, right now they are penned at night. I can't really afford to get LGDs right now, even though I would love to!! But those big dogs eat a lot of dog food. I am sure the neighbor would be thrilled about a braying donkey next door.

I think you have handled this issue perfectly. Involving the authorities is the best route, after all, it's their job and why we pay them. Your sheriff's office seems very responsive and professional. No sense you getting all crazy over some poor pathetic neighbor. I think people like him are really sad. What an empty life he must have if all he has to do is try to torment you. Stay alert, but push your anger to the rear and think of how pitiful this guy really is. It will be easier to ignore him that way.

So many good neighbors in the world. Sorry you got a rotten one. Best wishes!
Sounds like he may have finally been told by the third party he chose to involve that his opinion is irrelevant and his expectations unrealistic; eeeemmmmmm-barassing.


I'm really glad to hear things have improved.

Some day when you have time (hahaha) I'd love to see photos of your farm and animals. I'd love to see your setup.
I SERIOUSLY think that you and I have the same neighbor!! Mine is also a MASSIVE pain in the *blankity blank*. Mine also used to do the standing there watching me thing... which creeped us out. AND mine called the authorities on us all the time. So we built a $8,000 fence that spans one whole side of our property to keep him from visually stalking us. Frankly... ours ALSO keeps the ridiculous golf course lawn fields. What the heck are they thinking?! What about being in the country is peace and quiet?? Only someone from the city would come up with that garbage. Being in the country means working for a living... not a 9-5 desk job and a cushy retirement plan. Ours also gave us hell for using our farm as a farm. *image that?!*

Last week we called the cops on him because he pulled up all of our property stakes.... he told the cop that were running a chicken farm. Really?? Just how many chickens qualify as a chicken farm? Doesn't that mean we actually have to SELL something? cause we don't. We have been inspected by animal control cruelty division (seriously!!), by county code inspectors, by county nuisance complaint inspectors... and by the shierfs department. And guess what... ZERO VIOLATIONS! why?? Because out in the country... YOU CAN USE YOUR FARM AS A FARM!! thats what these city people don't understand. I really wish they would move back to their condos and subdivisions. Because if they really think the country is peace and quiet... they should have read the fine print.
Hey guys

Well I haven't heard much from the neighbor since the humane society came out. Of course he is still out there staring and shaking his head at me, but that's easy enough for me to ignore.

I did call back to the sheriffs office and spoke to the same gentleman. Told him about the humane society coming out and all that. He thought that it was great that they came out so there is documentation on the welfare of my animals. He has a file started with the information I have given him so far.

I have the sheep now!!
5 Katahdin ewes and 2 boys for meat this fall. I have been so stinking busy I keep forgetting to eat. Lots of fence to build/fix for these sheep. I am thinking about getting a donkey for a sheep guardian, right now they are penned at night. I can't really afford to get LGDs right now, even though I would love to!! But those big dogs eat a lot of dog food. I am sure the neighbor would be thrilled about a braying donkey next door.

Oh my, if he hates the sound of a rooster than a braying donkey will drive him up the wall! My neighbor (who owns a large horse farm) had a donkey named Buster boarded there for a while. He was SO cute. I really loved his HEE-HAWING. It was almost too quiet when he left.
You are doing well...I don't know if I could even tolerate his standing on the porch and shaking his head......I would probably find myself going out of my way to make him mad! I can't STAND people like that! I would plant some leland cypress with another row of something else to take the lelands place when they die in 10 years. Lelands are CHEAP and grow so FAST. If I remember correctly 2-5 feet per year.
You are doing well...I don't know if I could even tolerate his standing on the porch and shaking his head......I would probably find myself going out of my way to make him mad! I can't STAND people like that! I would plant some leland cypress with another row of something else to take the lelands place when they die in 10 years. Lelands are CHEAP and grow so FAST. If I remember correctly 2-5 feet per year.

If she goes that route.. she might consider some bamboo.. Doesn't that stuff grow like a foot a month? Plus it'll spread to his yard.. genius!
Yes it would spread into his yard! WHICH I WOULD LOVE! However I wouldn't want it spreading into my horse pasture. I don't think horses would eat any of it. NOW a goat maybe.....(wish they had a smiley with devil horns sticking out of it's head) so in lu of that I will put
Yes, a goat pasture running the fencline next to the bamboo, next to his house. To keep the bamboo from spreading of course!

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