Neighborhood Guinea hens hanging outside our run...WHY? What to do?


5 Years
Nov 23, 2014
North Quabbin, MA
So it started yesterday, when I went out to supervise our little flock of 6 hens and a roo for their free range time. The neighborhood guinea hens came over. Three were from my next door neighbor, and two more were from somewhere down the street. They hung with my birds and I didn't think anything of it because Roo did not make a fuss, and strangely the guinea were quiet too.

But as my birds went into roost for the night, I noticed one guinea trying to follow them through the pop door and another in the run. I got them out and watched. The three that belonged to my next door neighbor went home to roost. The other two hung out then went into the woods for the night.

First thing this morning all five guinea were back and are hanging out right next to my birds who are in thier run. ALL DAY

Why would these birds who usually like to roam and roam be hanging with my birds all day?

Could they be hungry? Cold ? (it was 20 degrees last night)? Social?

Not sure what to do. Advice welcome?

On another note, I just saw bobcat cross my yard, so Im not sure my girls will be free ranging today. Could the guinea know about the bobcat and be looking for safety in numbers?
Is your food out?

Have you asked your neighbor why they are over at your place?

Catch to extra two, and have them for dinner!
No, our food is in the barn in their coop.

The three from next door have always wandered over and back eating tics. But today the five are actually sitting next to the run and have not left all day. Its like they are waiting for my birds to come out to play.

I just cant imagine this sudden infatuation with my birds. They have know each other for 1/2 year and usually to keep their distance.

---Oh and Id be happy to invite them to dinner ( organic chicken feed)--- but not have them FOR dinner !

I am wondering if the two from way down the street are truly lost. They live with a flock of hens so maybe they are confused and the neighbor three are just "focking together" with them?

Also, could be a mating thing? Our neighbors Guinea are one roo and two hens. The two from down the street both look female.

Strangeness . . .
I think you are on to something about the safety in numbers. If you aren't happy about them coming over, I'd 1st have a conversation with the neighbor. Then I would make provisions to keep them out. Fences, whatever. I've had chickens for a few years and the 1st year I had to constantly fetch chickens from my neighbors yard. 2nd year they hung out occasionally at the other neighbors. This year, they've seemed to be much better behaved. All the while, we have a chain link fence. Through the years, they just do different things, maybe guineas do the same.
Thanks for the reply. I dont really know the neighbor ( 1/2 mi down road) so Id have to gather birds in dog kennel and deliver. That doesn't sound like fun.

So I ventured to let my birds out for their free range time, since their buddies were waiting for them since 7 am, and they are all flocking together. Weird. No pecking order issue. Yet.
I guess they just want to be together. Who am I to mess with nature.
I guess there is no problem, at least until it's time to go in. Then we shall see. My coop is too small for 11 birds !
Hello, Thank you so much for asking. I did sort of adopt them, rather they adopted us. They roam with my flock when we free range they hang out outside and on top of our run and they protect our house. So it is all good. I did start feeding them and leaving out water. They sleep in trees. Amazing birds. So independent and silly !

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