Neighbors black lab, killed my favorite chicken, options/?!

I think another good question is why would someone let their dog kill someone else's beloved pets? Animals are animals. They only have more value because we as humans place that value on them. The owners don't care about the dog and the OP has already tried to solve the problem without killing.
Domesticated dogs are fairly easy prey (or they can be). I'm not against luring him in with cat food or bacon or something to make sure you get a clean kill shot. Unlike wild animals, your scent in the area wouldn't spook him away. If you know he roams at night, go "hunting" for him. You'll think of something.

But he makes a b-line right for the coop now, now that he knows where it's at.

This is golden for you. Put your animals up, and set some leg traps around your coop to catch him. Dispose of him mafia style (.22 to the head, quiet and humane way to go) just do the SSS. You never saw him.​
Owners don't care. A few pictures or a tore up bird isn't going to move them.that opportunity passed when they were told of the last kill. I would not say a thing to them,AC,or the police. Just shoot to kill if you can. If you wound it wasn't you otherwise YOU can be charged with cruelty. Paintballs and BBs would be considered cruelty in most areas.Killing a dog is is permitted when they have attacked the flock.You don't have to wait again for an attack.Just shoot on sight. Roaming dogs disappear all the time.It is the risk an owner chooses to take when letting the dog run free.

If you do the deed just don't tell the neighbors.Sure they might suspect,and they might even blame you without proof.Hopefully it won't go past that. You don't want a NFH situation.
A person up the street from me got arrested for shooting a dog when it attacked his cat. Then the owners of the dog sued for the price of the dog since it was a purebred and for post traumatic stress. People sue for anything these days. The owners of the dog had to pay the cats vet bills. So either way doing anything is wrong. And firing a gun within so many feet of a house is illegal. The police aren't going to understand that you were protecting birds.
There are lots of ways to kill a dog without shooting it, if you live in the city it just means you have to get creative. but you are more protected against dog attacks seeing as most cities have dog bylaws. and if the dog is roaming around free, a lawsuit wouldnt do much becuase the owner is in violation of said bylaws.
Just buy yourself a paintball gun and when the nuisance dog nears your home you can give him a "friendly" reminder that he is not welcome. Paintballs hurt soooo bad but wont break skin... unless you shoot him in the eye, in which case he def wont be coming back :p hahaha stupid dog
Agreed! Paintball gun. We had a massive pitbull getting loose and harassing our dogs in the back yard fence. After being painted he got out less and when he did he didn.' come into our yard! Or SSS...
hey and IF you want I actually make decals for a living
I can make you a vinyl sticker that reads "NOTICE! PROTECTED CHICKEN PROPERTY, Trespassing Potential Predators May Experience A Paintball Shot" all you would have to do is go to Home Depot and buy a Melamine Board cut it down to size and then just plaster this sticker on there and so IF you do end up shooting that stupid dog you have a sign that "warned" them :p lol
I could and I am a total animal lover but I saw what a dog did to my 7 year old granddaughter's little "Sweetums" and how distraught she was!!! She actually cried herself to sleep. The dog killed all but their rooster and he wouldn't eat for 2 weeks afterward. He now lives at our house in the county in a nice enclosed chicken run and chicken barn. Pet owners need to take responsibility for their pet and if they take care of their pets they won't have a chance of getting killed. I also put my big girl (whom I love with all my heart) into this category.

Hit it with a paintball and send a letter to the owner saying that they can consider that a warning!
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Not only could I kill a dog that was mauling my chickens, I have. If I could have found the owner I would have taken the dead dog and a bill for damages. If they cared about their pet they would keep it under control. This dog is making repeat trips to the coop. It is lucky to be alive. There are reasons that laws have been written to allow us to protect our livestock. Where do you draw the line? chicken, lamb, calf. All are part of our food chain and many peoples livelihood.

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