Neighbors chickens in coop all day! and it's hot - what to do?


Oct 22, 2019
My new neighbors have three chickens they bought several months ago(spring time, all feathered)and set up a tractor supply brand coup, a petmate that is supposidly good for 6+ chickens. We haven't been able to connect with these people it's more likely because we're the poor folk hillbillies of the neighborhood who let their chickens out too much to run amuck, in our on yard of course! So here is the problem they leave the poor things inside the coop all day with the little vent on the side that faces our property closed!!!! Although their coop is in the shade it's blistering hot here in Massachusetts and with the last few days extreme humidity. I thought for sure they had them in their house but low and behold we saw the husband come home open the door to feed, water? and close the door again. Not even to be let out after spending ALL day inside a hot box! Really I could cry as this then for certain has been the chickens existance for days now. We are not on good terms/familiar to speak directly on the other hand I could call the animal control but we have to live next to these people. I feel like asking would they but there dog in a hot box all day, I have had my chickens about three years I don't know everything, am I some how missing something- I can't fathom this thinking!!!!! Please I need some advise!

Can you see the whole coop? Do the chickens have access to the "run" portion underneath the coop?
Yes I can see the whole coop and they have the door to the lower run closed! This whole week, week and a half I have not seen the wife maybe she is a way. The husband is gone all day comes home 7-730pm opens the door ? But doesn't let them out, insane!
What I think I decided is to make a print out on what to do for chickens during hot weather from a Poultry vet website and hand it to him saying I thought his wife might find this helpful, that it's something I find helpful for my chickens etc and without actually saying too much that might be construed as judgemental. Or I might just take your advise! I will say something today, it's just so brutal out my birds are having it tough and they have ice and frozen treats and so on. Thanks for the input!

What I think I decided is to make a print out on what to do for chickens during hot weather from a Poultry vet website and hand it to him saying I thought his wife might find this helpful, that it's something I find helpful for my chickens etc and without actually saying too much that might be construed as judgemental. Or I might just take your advise! I will say something today, it's just so brutal out my birds are having it tough and they have ice and frozen treats and so on. Thanks for the input!

You could just go over and say something like, "Hey, it's been really hot lately, and I just found some really helpful information about how to keep chickens cool! I thought you might like to see it too!"
Just make sure you're always really nice and polite, and don't tell him he's doing something wrong. If people are told they are doing something wrong, then they won't listen to what you have to say.
The print out is a great idea.
You could also mention that they like to dust bathe to cool themselves.
Thank you for advocating for them!!
Have you considered just offering to let the chickens out for them? Say something like, hey I know you have some new chickens and since I’m home and it’s been awfully steamy I thought I’d offer to “walk your chickens”? I know how hard it is to get everything set up and with this crazy weather, If you don’t already have a “well ventilated covered run area, I can pinch hit and let them out during the day when I’m home and you can just lure them back in once you get home from work?

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