Neighbor's Chickens Trying to Join My Flock

I'd be worried about waiting too long to have the conversation though or they might just tell you you're crazy because their hens look great (after all the feed you've put in!)
This, is a very good point. I hadn't even thought of this! I 100% agree, you don't want your plan on helping these sweet ladies backfire.
They may disguise their behavior as toughening up the animals--that is what abusers do. You know already what their reaction will be. I am thinking they may be angry at you for giving the chickens food and water, and making "sissies" out of them. I don't see the value of having a good relationship with abusers. But you know the situation better than I do.
Thank you @BrooksHatlen and @3KillerBs for the advice. I'd first like to try and reason with them tactfully--I do believe if they truly know their hens are starving they wouldn't want that (they just are skeptical of my advice, like they were about ventilation lol). I think they believe chickens are tougher than they are--and they ARE tough, but they do need basics. When I went to close up my run I had to carry some of their chickens out, and some have really prominent keel bones :( I'm wondering if worms are also a problem.

I have been giving them some feed to supplement but we've been running through it like crazy now--they REALLY EAT. I also always leave water out. I'm not sure how my husband would feel about feeding them regularly because we may end up with all 12 of them and the turkeys down here on our much smaller property, but that's something I've been quietly thinking about. Let me know if you have any ideas on tactful breaching of the topic.

Thanks again for responding!
What about taking a video of their birds going into your coop and gobbling your feed like they are starving. Which they are! Maybe if they see that their birds are actually moving out of their home and into yours they may see that they have to take better care of their birds
Thank you @BrooksHatlen and @3KillerBs for the advice. I'd first like to try and reason with them tactfully--I do believe if they truly know their hens are starving they wouldn't want that (they just are skeptical of my advice, like they were about ventilation lol). I think they believe chickens are tougher than they are--and they ARE tough, but they do need basics. When I went to close up my run I had to carry some of their chickens out, and some have really prominent keel bones :( I'm wondering if worms are also a problem.

I have been giving them some feed to supplement but we've been running through it like crazy now--they REALLY EAT. I also always leave water out. I'm not sure how my husband would feel about feeding them regularly because we may end up with all 12 of them and the turkeys down here on our much smaller property, but that's something I've been quietly thinking about. Let me know if you have any ideas on tactful breaching of the topic.

Thanks again for responding!
I have no advice. That's a tough position to be in. I just want to know yo are being heard. Like you, most people would be concerned. Breaks my heart. I'd try to talk with them, yet I know why you wouldn't want to. It's scary. If they continue the neglect, I'd call the authorities. It's not right to starve those who depend on us. I can't imagine how the turkeys are doing. Probably starving too. Tough, really tough. I'm sorry more stress is being forced into your life. As if things were tough enough with Covid and the crazies that come with it. Let us know how it goes. Bad situation.
My two cents. No one likes to be told how to do their job. If they think they're fine they are going to think that until someone with more authority steps in. Saying hey I think we have a worm issue might do something but they probably wont feed them anymore than what they are now. Sucks, I've had neighbors like this. Nothing I said ever sank in, it ruined the friendship, and I should have just called animal control to begin with. Starving dog. So bad that when vet started feeding properly it had a heart attack. Two months later they had another dog. Smh... thank god laws exist now.
You're waaayyyy more tolerant than me.

In your shoes, I would have just trapped all the hens wandering over and I would take them directly to my local Animal Control (who does handle livestock). While there, I would mention how absolutely starved they were and how they were stealing from my feeders. I'd also point out that when I picked them up, they felt emaciated. This ensures they feed them properly for recovery while they hold them for an owner to claim and if the owners did, they'd be properly educated and possibly a wellness check on any animals back home as part of having birds returned.

If they even thought to check with animal control. They read as very uncaring, like people who would just assume a predator got them and shrug it off, meanwhile the birds would get adopted out in a much healthier condition than when they arrived.

Edited to add: Yes I've done this before, multiple times, no I don't regret it. People like that get mad at the animal control who has their animal(s) and don't even think about who might've brought them in. Assuming they cared enough to even notice (most don't notice or care).
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When you report abuse they want your name and it WILL come out eventually
Not to the owners if you ask to make the call anonymous. Their affiliated with the police department, so they aren't allowed to give out personal information if you ask them not to. The Police don't, they don't.
They are well to do, so it's not about money (lots of vacationing, expensive toys, etc.). I think they just like the idea of having chickens on their lawn as an aesthetic thing/lifestyle thing but don't actually put much thought into them. I know they like the idea of have "wild" tough birds that live off the land.
If that’s the case then they need to get Jungle fowl not layer breeds.
Humans have bred chickens to be domesticated layers for our convenience. They need extra calories because they lay 100s of eggs a year. Feral birds or jungle fowl lay few eggs and usually only in spring/summer so they can get away with less feed.
Still, it’s patently unfair to expect DOMESTIC laying hens to be capable of this especially in winter!
These “well to do” people need to read a book once in a while or do without animals.
I’m sorry but I’m not nice about it. I’m tired of seeing the neglect and abuse animals are put through.
I’m curious if they have the same attitude towards their dogs or toddlers?
In some states the animals would be taken away. Period.
I’m cautious and choosy about whether I even want to be friends with neighbors.
I want to see what kind of people they are! How they treat animals, children and disabled or elderly is a huge part of the decision.
If you have no success with your next attempt please consider your local humane society/SPCA. If you can’t confront they will! That is what they do.

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