Neighbor's dog came back for our ducks today! What to do?

As i wrote, this will now be reported officially to Animal Services through the urgent care clinic, with the doctor's diagnose added, so i cannot make anything up, like poking myself with a fork and claim the dog scratched me.

As for the dog's breed, my trusted nurse thinks it is a Retriever mix. That would also explain why Nona wasn't killed by the dog, she was 'apported' and brought back to the hunter.
Wait I'm confused. Did you have a rabies shot previously? State laws in the US require anyone bitten by a dog to get it (if you have no proof it has had the shot). Just the tetanus shot alone will not protect you from rabies if the dog does have it. They should have sent you for several rounds of it. The hospital will cover the cost.
This! And the dog is a "fear aggressive" dog and is actually one of the most dangerous because you can never know when and how they will react in situations. Most definitely get to a Dr to be seen and they will know what to do for your particular local laws.

Reporting this is a necessity because unfortunately many kids are not taught proper dog etiquette and a fear biter can, and will, lash out at unpredictable kids in fear.
Best case scenario these are good, but ignorant, dog owners. The dog will be up to date on all shots and they will quarantine. They will also be educated about dog laws and their responsibility as owners and get the proper help for their beloved pet. End of situation. OR, they choose to be ignorant and you've helped a dog get out of a bad situation. Either way, it's a win.
PS, I've worked at vets and attended vet tech school. I've see both types of owners. Most have the best of intentions just lack of education. The other ones are better off without a dog.

Please update with how you and your bites are doing!
You have a very valid point! The neighbors have two little kids… 😨
Thank you very much for your answer! - Yes, the doctor told me that they have to report it to the authorities and that the dog must be quarantined for two weeks.
But according to the animal-police officer who called me today (see my post above) i am not allowed to hit an animal with a shovel. That is permitted only in self-defense after the dog has eaten you. 😜

I find the animal control officers response completely off base... Not just because my husband deals with these situations every day but also because I have PERSONALLY dealt with two dog bite cases myself.

When I was 5 years old, I was mauled by 4 dogs and spent many months in the hospital. Had to learn to walk again. All the dogs involved were family pets of surrounding neighbors.

Also my daughter was attacked by a dog when she was little.

In both of these cases, the owners were held liable. In my case, the city was also held liable because the dogs had attacked other people prior to me and the city did nothing about it. This was before leash laws but my case initiated them.

There is so much case precident that backs YOU up on dog bites, it's overwhelming. That's why I said the city would have your back in a hot minute because THEY don't want to be held liable for mishandling your case
Please familiarize yourself with local Health and safety laws this weekend. I have had 3 roaming chicken killing dogs removed from their owners following these. The sheriff's resolve my issues this way Animal control don't even get educated they misquote the law(chapter and title and verse) to me on every contact even though it is part of their certification. Additionally, I have documented photographic evidence in the EXIF data. Trail cams are another great idea. Title 10 discusses the Texas side of things. I'm sure your state has something similar
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Call your local Health Dept and tell them you want to file a formal complaint about a vicious dog that came onto your property, attacked your animals, and bit you in the process. Explain that animal control is not taking it seriously and you are prepared to take legal measures against the county for liability if this is not escalated and resolved. Send a copy of this by email as well.

ETA- I explained your situation to my husband since he deals with dog bites. He said you need to call the Health Dept, explain that the dog came onto your property, bit you AND DREW BLOOD. State that you do NOT KNOW if the dog had rabies. These two points - drawing blood and rabies unknown - are VERY IMPORTANT.

He also advised getting an attorney because he said he would be EXTREMELY surprised if there were no legal protections for protecting your home and property from vicious dogs. Pretty much guarantee the county/city will agree with your attorney and put animal control in their place.
As said, the formal complaint will be reported by the urgent care clinic and the process will go the intended way. And i am sure the officer that called me today was just terribly misled by my neighbor. Myself i just want to bring this behind me asap. I don't like to deal with police, attorneys and the judicial system at all (there were times in my life when a ringing telephone scared me to death...)
All i care at this point is that Nona Duck will heal and that i never see that dog on my property again.
Im really sorry this has happened to you. @TJAnononymous just now gave you excellent advice. Please dont be afraid to stand up for yourself and your ducks. You and your duck ARE the victims, not the aggressive dog, and not the witch of a neighbor. (The neighbor sounds about as bad as they come.). I feel certain others will give you further input in the morn when they see you have replied. You previously mentioned you dont have a gun. Have you heard of the 3 S's? As in SSS? If not, ask to have it explained to u tomorrow. Hint: you already have the second S. If that dog Ever comes for your ducks again, i think the 3's are the perfect solution. No further confrontation required, & your ducks will be safe.
I am very familiar with triple "S" - racoons were once plentiful here…
In the last two years the quality of the soil has improved somewhat. 😜
And the first and the second "S" can even be the same.
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Everybody is telling me that i did nothing wrong! Thank you very much for this! - However i do feel bad about it. And my biggest worry is that that dog comes back, snatches another duck and the neighbors will not bring it back...
I think I understand. I would worry too. Are they people who will work with you? Is there anything else you can do to keep predators out?
There are electrified fences and such, but that‘s extra money.
Not sure where you live but There is a fence which can be made out of tree branches, which is solid out enough to keep out predators unless they jump over. I will search for the name.—it‘s a wattle fence.
I am sure you have racked your brain already trying to protect your ducks so this may not be helpful at all, or work for your layout, but just in case thought I would mention it. Pretty cool fencing.
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