Neighbors drug a dead horse onto my property!

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Prosecute them for trespassing next time they so much as sneeze over your fence.
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Drag it back when they're gone along with some bonus road kill. "Look, it came back with some friends!"
How old are your neighbors cause they sound like little kids!! the bickery and bratty kind - thats for sure!!!!!!!!
I disagree, that only starts more trouble. Better gates with better locks, go ahead and report the incident to any authority who will listen. Document everything!

Make sure your claim on the property is clear, then do what you want with it. Anything they have done, dismantle it. And take lots of pics, then go ahead and dispose of the carcass.

Send them a calm, well-written, certified letter, stating that you now own the property and that further trespassing will be prosecuted. Add some nicey- nice stuff, to keep the peace.
And then patrol that property 24/7 for several months, to prevent retaliatory action.

Good luck, that is a very touchy situation.
I disagree, that only starts more trouble. Better gates with better locks, go ahead and report the incident to any authority who will listen. Document everything!

Make sure your claim on the property is clear, then do what you want with it. Anything they have done, dismantle it. And take lots of pics, then go ahead and dispose of the carcass.

Send them a calm, well-written, certified letter, stating that you now own the property and that further trespassing will be prosecuted. Add some nicey- nice stuff, to keep the peace.
And then patrol that property 24/7 for several months, to prevent retaliatory action.

Good luck, that is a very touchy situation.

Yeah, I agree, I was just joking. Besides I know I wouldn't have the guts to do something like that, sneeking on others property even if they did on mine.
HAHA!! I saw a dead opposum earlier and a squirrel too! We should make a pile and then mail it to them! *evil smile!*
Dont know if this is helpful or not but if the horse is branded then you can prove ownership thru the brand. Im reasonably sure that you cannot tranfers ownership of horses without brand inspection here in Colorado so if you can get a pic of a brand on the live horses on your property or on the dead one you should be able to use that to your advantage.
There are these nature cameras that u can lock onto a tree or something and the camera will snap photos every time something moves in front of it. my dad used it to see wat was eating the cat food at our barn. turns out we got photos of a raccoon the size of a mid-sized dog!
you could face it towards where u think they trespass and get photo evidence. that way, u dont do any thing they could report u for but u could report them for.
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I think the gate they opened to drag the horse through needs a chain and padlock....just a few dollars at any hardware store. I'd make sure that side of the property was posted, and running hotwire along the border fence wouldn't be a bad idea either.

People who do nonsense (my polite, big girl word) like that are also the type who sue. If something should happen to them on your property, for instance, a shooting accident; you know they will make it your fault.

Why are people so rotten?
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Fence it off and post it. Leave an opening for them to drive thru. Bury boards with big, heavy, rusty nails sticking up.

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