Neighbors have hens and they are NOISY

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I ive next door to backyard chicken owners. They seem to be responsible and clean. There's not a smell and we haven't see an uptick in predators. However, that sweet clucking always talked about wakes me at 530AM and goes on most of the day. Even with my windows closed, you can hear them loudly. No, no rooster. Hens are loud too. I'm tired and my work calls are full of chicken talk. Owners may think it is sweet but your neighbors likely do not. Imagine if my dog barked all day starting at 530AM. I'd have so many people on my back so why is it excused for chickens? .Please hear me... chickens are NOT meant for suburbia and land less than 5acres (not talking regs, talking courtesy to those around you.) I am at a loss. What can I say to my neighbor without damaging relationships? Any suggestions on how to mitigate the noise?
Just proves my point that roosters aren't any worse than hens, and should be allowed in the suburbs too! At least they don't crow till dawn and crow alot less than hens cluck. The sirens of police cars and ambulances are much more apt to wake people up, and as you pointed out so are dogs. If you wish to solve your problem you ought to figure out a sleep regiment that works for you even when noise occurs. Have you tried a fan? That tends to help light sleepers. My Dad's such a light sleeper that the light wakes him up in the morning if his iternal clock doesn't. He sleeps in the basement, is that an option for you? There's also apps you can download that have noise to help you go to sleep. Chickens are wonderful pets in my opinion and provide eggs that you don't have to buy at the store supplied by factory farms.
Just proves my point that roosters aren't any worse than hens, and should be allowed in the suburbs too! At least they don't crow till dawn and crow alot less than hens cluck. The sirens of police cars and ambulances are much more apt to wake people up, and as you pointed out so are dogs. If you wish to solve your problem you ought to figure out a sleep regiment that works for you even when noise occurs. Have you tried a fan? That tends to help light sleepers. My Dad's such a light sleeper that the light wakes him up in the morning if his iternal clock doesn't. He sleeps in the basement, is that an option for you? There's also apps you can download that have noise to help you go to sleep. Chickens are wonderful pets in my opinion and provide eggs that you don't have to buy at the store supplied by factory farms.
I've said the same. My leghorn and partridge penedesenca hen are substantially louder than my three roosters and will sing the egg song for hours on end. I couldn't imagine pushing that off on my neighbors. For me I just chuckle, but as I mentioned earlier I relate to being bothered by noises and wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Wow, I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling with this for years. I don’t have any advice to add to the good advice you’ve already been given. We don’t have chickens yet and your post has really gotten us thinking about how we can minimize any noise for our neighbors. The lots are about a quarter acre and the town allows us to keep up to 20 birds (no roosters). Still, they’re not common. I only know of one house around with two Barred Rock hens and they’re completely quiet.

We’re looking at keeping maybe 8-10 hens. Fencing here is chain link and there’s not much foliage around the lots since we’re in the desert so there’s little insulation for noise. I’m on a corner lot so we only have property adjoining ours on one side; the other three sides are streets. We’ve had some noisy neighbors and barking dogs over the years but right now our neighborhood is generally quiet.

I’m wondering if maybe we should start with just two hens and see what the noise level is like and if it bothers anyone. I’m going to talk to the man who lives next door and see what he’d think about us keeping chickens before starting up. TBH he's a really nice retired gentlemen who doesn't seem bothered by anything, and he would probably be delighted to get some fresh eggs, but it would be smart to check with him just the same. That didn’t occur to me before your post, so thank you.
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Please stop the childishness. I came on here so that I could get ideas that I could suggest to help my problem instead of going over there and just dumping it on them without productive solutions. That's being an adult.
I haven't read all of the latest posts, but here is what you could suggest:

How about quail instead of noisy chickens? They are very prolific, cute, not noisy at all and start laying from the age of 6-8 weeks.
I haven't read all of the latest posts, but here is what you could suggest:

How about quail instead of noisy chickens? They are very prolific, cute, not noisy at all and start laying from the age of 6-8 weeks.
I would actually be a little upset if someone suggested I keep something else and get rid of my chickens. I paid for my house. I'm legally allowed to have chickens. My neighbor hates the chickens noises and my kids noises. If you dont want noise then buy something on land away from other people.
Actually I have already suggested quail to some people that were somewhat overwhelmed by their own chicken keeping obligations and felt that the reality was more cumbersome than they had imagined.

And the switch to quail often not only reduced the noise and smell disturbance but cut the costs and also saved their gardens from being destroyed by happily scratching chickens.

Some aspiring poultry keepers just do not think about quail when planning and starting the project. ;)
I would actually be a little upset if someone suggested I keep something else and get rid of my chickens. I paid for my house. I'm legally allowed to have chickens. My neighbor hates the chickens noises and my kids noises. If you dont want noise then buy something on land away from other people.
Some people will be upset just about everything, hating children and their noises, animals etc.

But in this case I did not have the impression that the OP was unreasonable or hateful.
I can relate.
Once had a group of pullets that were so loud all day long at point of lay I had to close all my windows to work on the phone. Luckily it only lasted a few weeks.
Have no suggestions, really not sure there is a solution.
Can't believe you've waited 3 years to address the situation.
You are obviously very patient, as you have been with the nastygrams posted here.
I hope you can find some relief.
Some people will be upset just about everything, hating children and their noises, animals etc.

But in this case I did not have the impression that the OP was unreasonable or hateful.
I guess I feel for the neighbor. My chickens are loud. All are hens. They're 75ft from the house and farther from my neighbors. In a 35 x 25 run. She still called the city complaining. Theres no noise ordinance where I live and I'm following all of the laws but man, I can't do anything else. Thankfully we will be moving to 26 acres so no neighbors but shes called the cops on my kids playing outside multiple times also. I'm not trying to be unreasonable but I paid for my house. I should be able to do what I want as long as its legal.
Some breeds of chickens are very noisy. My Orpingtons only make noise when there is something wrong, like out of water or food or predator nearby. It could be the breed. Tread softly you can make a neighbor an enemy for life. But if you haven't told them the chickens are bothering you how can you hold it against them if they don't fix it. Like, say I cant get any sleep could you move the coop further away from the house. I will be glad to help with that. Don't just come with a problem come with a solution.
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