Neighbours cat

For hundreds of thousands of years humans have been killing predators to protect themselves or their livestock and thus their ability to survive. Do whats natural and shoot the cat.
If guns are illegal where you are. get a sling shot. I recommend a wrist rocket brand. with a little practice, you can be pretty good. And don't feel guilty if your neighbors cat was IN your coop STALKING your chickens....
Put a few drops of mint oil in that squirt gun and keep it near the coop or on your person for a week or two. Cats don't like mint. If you do your best to spray him every time you see him, he'll probably decide it's not worth it.
It's too bad you can't have a roo. Mine keep the cats on the ropes, except my one mean female cat who's decided that roo is sexy. If she sneaks in the coop, she finds the roo lays down on her back and wriggles around in front of him. It's pitiful.
Pssst.. poke.. poke.. cat nip IS mint...

tru, catnip is in the mint family, but also true that cats dont like it. However you will have better luck with vinegar water. nobody likes to lick that off thier fur!

however, another possibility would be to borrow a nice big rooster for a couple weeks. your neighbors may complain, but when you tell them it is because thier cat killed your birds, they will have to adjust, when really, it is so that the rooster can kick the crap out of the cat, or any other predator you may not know about! You dont have to keep the rooster, he will succeed in a couple weeks, and any cat will quickly learn to give chickens even banties a nice wide berth! In fact, borrow a nice mature banty rooster! (altho, I think a huge honkin leghorn would bring the message home nicely).
the mint, sling shot, squirt bottle etc you have to get close enough to actually do that..
a .22 will reach out and you know your troubles are over. when my freind gave me a coon dog ( they are not birds dogs so works great) she cleaned out 27 cats her first night here.. I was over run one day.. and had peace of mind the next.. Loved that dog. Yes I did have to listen to her "sing" all night. However I knew what she was doing and slept right though it knowing she was us so I didn't have to be.
I've never had problems with my feral cats and the chickens. The cats keep the rats/mice population in check and run from the birds. I say get a roo and teach that cat that chickens are not to be messed with. The ferals would watch the chicks, but have yet to kill one here, and I let mom less brooder chicks start to free range at about 3 weeks old.

Good luck dealing with yours, and I agree, if the cat can get into the coop, there are bigger things to worry about first.
tru, catnip is in the mint family, but also true that cats dont like it.

better toss all my cat toys
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Try vinegar with pepper mixed in it in a water pistol or spray bottle. They hate the smell and it stings the eyes. If you can't use a real gun, can you use a BB gun?

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