nervous about eating the eggs?


12 Years
Aug 15, 2007
obviously I've never done this before...I have 5 chikens in my backyard in a very suburban area ( my neighbors think I'm crazy lol) So I got our first egg and know more are soon to come. I'm a bit nervous about eating them though. Can you get sick from them if there is something wrong with the chickens ( like if they are sick? or if they were sick - I think a few of them had Coccidia)
I'm also pregnant so I'm nervous that everything I do effects my so maybe I'm just over

Just thought I'd ask.

Eat away. Chances of your eggs being anything but sterile inside is about a 100 fold chance less than that old store egg you once had to buy. Cocci doesn't affect the reproductive tract of the hens as it mainly attacks portions of the gastrointestinal tract.

My mom says, from the often weird preventive Chinese medicine, that humans who are pregnant or have just had their child should eat lots of eggs as it contains enough nutrients to make a new chick.
When my SIL got her first eggs, she was a little freaked out--so she had to scramble them. that lasted all of two days. I agree with silkiechicken--eat away!! IMO they will be better than the ones you were buying...
Send em to me - I'll eat em and let you know how they taste!

I never get to eat our own eggs, my kids get em first......... little greedy pigs.!
Cyn had it posted in one of her replies - I stole it cause it had my name ALL over it..................... its perfect - one minute I'm an angel, next the little devil pops up!
I never get to eat our own eggs, my kids get em first......... little greedy pigs.!

OK glad to know it is not just me that does not get to eat the eggs.

This morning I actually LIED to my kids and told them that the girls have not laid any eggs yet today!

Even though there are three little eggs in the box first thing this morning. I even went as far as hiding them in one of the nesting boxes that the girls do not use and covered them in shavings!!!

I have been wanting to enjoy some of the eggs! I mean geezo I have been waiting for months for them to start laying!!

Next stop the frying pan!

crystal eat those eggs you will be fine!!

Also enjoy every bite of them because you will eventually end up like Wildsky and myself craving fresh eggs and no getting any!!!
One of my girls had a bug for a couple days a while back, and the eggs were affected, but it was such a obvious difference, it was easy to avoid the eggs from a sick chicken
My name is Crystal and I'm pregnant too!
I eat our chickens' eggs everyday. Folks are right, your home laid eggs are probably safer than store bought eggs. They are fresher, you know how they've been handled.

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