Nervous about my new book

Well since I am broke,and financially cannot pay for my book to be illustrated or published the conventional way,There are website on the net that helps out.

One is called Kickstarter.

They will allow you to post any new idea,invention,book,ect that falls into their permittable categories.When they approve your idea,they have a format that you have to fill out,then launch on their website to post for funding.People all over the net can view it and if they decide its a good idea,can pledge money for the book to be made.In turn what does the pledgie get as a sort of reward? It all matters what the author/inventor deems justified for a pledge amount.

for example

If you plegde $5.00
you get a pdf copy of my book along with a cover art bookmark.Keep it for your kids or give as a gift.

Then it can go from 5.00 up to 1000.00 pledge

for example:

Pledge of $1000.00 or more
An author visit to your location (U.S. only) Including School/Library visit, booksigning and dinner with author. Trip will be scheduled after the release of book.
Plus a first print of my next book " I'll do it for a lemon" w/ acknowledgement of you in it on a special page.
Autographed 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 Cover art signed by Author and Illustrator suitable for framing,
autographed copy of book and your name on a seperate page for special acknowledgement.
Plus a bookmark with the cover artwork to use for your kids for this book or as a gift
(International add 5.00 for shipping)

So the more you plegde,the more rewards you get. get it? This is what posting for funding a nutshell.
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Have you looked into the self publishers on Amazon or Barnes & Noble for the Kindle and Nook users? The book never goes into hard copies, just digital. You get a percentage of the sales, determined by the price you set. For example, you upload it to the site, list the download at $.99, and you get 30% of every download. Some people have been picked up by publishers after they reach so many downloads. You jump right into actual sales without waiting on funds... upload and done.

I haven't done it, I've only heard about it. Not sure if it's free to use or not. But it would definitely be cheaper than getting hard copies made.
I might look into that,but I dont care much for digital.I have been raised on grabbing a book and reading.But of course if digital sells,then why push a media away?

Also what kid and what age do kids pick up a kindle and/or a Nook to read??Maybe parents,but what parents will let any kid say under the age of 10 pick up a kindle or Nook? I really dont know many kids with that kind of responsibility characteristics.
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Well my book is on

Hope it turns out good.

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