Nest box pictures?

those are really beautiful. thumbs way up to the DH.
here are my silly nest boxes, pre-installation. i'm trying to do as much of my coop as i can with recycled materials, so i made these of milk crates and two planks of a leftover interior finish board screwed tightly in. they're not pretty at all, but they're airy, stay really clean, and cost me nothing but an hour's work. if they get really grungy, i can hose them off and if i need to replace the planks, they just screw out.
and the hen enjoys them!

What are the measurements of these milk crates please?
Raising chix affects the way you look at things; when I look at old refrigerator drawers I see nest boxes and when I look at old refrigerator shelving, I see roosts. What have these birds done to us!
i have old milk crates set up for mine.....but they haven't laid yet
hopefully soon though
OMG...I was just thinking the same thing!!! Never in a million years would I have ever believed I would enjoy looking at Chicken Coops, or nest boxes or even more looking at a simple object and seeing a use for it for my chickens!!! LOL
I will have to get pics of mine. My girls are not laying yet but I seem to be adding more and more different nest boxes because I don't know what they will like!!!!

I have 24 hens now with the hopes of adding 2 more very soon. I initially set up six milk crates stacked 2 high on their side. Then I also put a milk crate right side up on the ground, an old wash basin, 2 wooden nest boxes and my most recent addition was a covered kitty litter pan. I think I have to stop now!
I will see what type they will use and get rid of what they don't use.

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