Nesting box construction


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2020
Ashland, Oregon
Designing our first coop. Can anyone give opinions on whether to have the nesting box area sticking out from the side with a hinged lid on top versus just having them inside with a hinged flap door flush with the wall? What is your preference and why? Thanks so much!


Mine are hinged to open down.....I love them
Thanks for the tip about the sun.
Other weather too.

Mines are inside the coop shed, in the wall that separates the chicken area from the storage area.

Welcome to BYC! @JakesHappyHenHouse
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
It depends on your coop. If you have limited space inside your coop or it is difficult to access the inside of the coop then exterior nest boxes can be beneficial. I don’t know what part of the country your in but if you decide to make exterior boxes put them on the shady side of the coop so they are protected from the sun in summer.
It depends on your coop. If you have limited space inside your coop or it is difficult to access the inside of the coop then exterior nest boxes can be beneficial. I don’t know what part of the country your in but if you decide to make exterior boxes put them on the shady side of the coop so they are protected from the sun in summer.
Thanks for the tip about the sun. Either way I plan to access the boxes from the outside, just wondering why so many people build out the nesting box section instead of just putting the boxes flush with the wall and a door to access them

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