
I wonder if the people looking at all these cute coops are even thinking of the mass defilement that a chicken will do to them. I get that all the time from friends. "Oh, you raise your own chickens? That's so cool! I should... Oh, they poop THAT much?"

Last night, I posted on Facebook, asking, "
What are some things that you've done to get ahead in life, that some people may see as praiseworthy, but others treat as trashy behavior?​
" This was brought on by a photo that a friend posted last week, of her son holding one of my chickens. A friend commented, "Please tell me that thing is not at your house!" I felt like replying, "No, that THING is at my house." I don't know why it bugged me so much... my friend isn't any higher income than me. She has a larger house, but that's kind of irrelevant to the income situation. It's kind of like the disdainful looks that people give me when they pass by and see me working in my garden... often covered with dirt. It's a lifestyle choice and I love it, but I find it interesting that it's something that can be seen as virtuous by some people, trashy by others, yet morally neutral by religious and legal standards.
I get that too, but them my oldest hates dogs. I raised and showed for 40 years and my kids didn't get into it except one and she doesn't own one now. But I get "Mom, you don't let the dogs in your house, do you?" Ummmm ...yeah. I don't like not having a dog around. I have a thing about them getting on furniture. I had dogs in my bed till high school and then I was done with that, but Bill did me in on Isis. She was about 5 months old and one night I was on the pc in the family room and he's laying on the couch watching TV. Isis is laying on the floor next to him getting a tummy rub. Next thing I know she has her paws on his chest and is easing up on top of him. I told him he better not let her, going to be over 100 pound behind on my couch. I look over again and she;s stretched from his head all the way down his body. I told him again to get her off the couch and he tells me she's not on the couch, she's on him. So much for my training. Don't want her around at meal time. He would get up and take her food and she'd crawl to the kitchen until she was laying under his chair. Once she got to big she got stuck underneith and I just glared at him and walked out. Makayla brings chickens and rabbits in. I'm getting new to me furniture this weekend and if I have a rabbit pee on it I'm going to fume. Oh and this dinky little Lion Lop with just got? That thing can jump onto the couch. None of the others ever have, but she sure does it. Still, I'd rather have (can't believe I'm saying this) a chicken in my house than some people I've met. We're a different breed than most people. They believe things they read about chickens and diseases and figure if you have them, they're dirty. They have no idea how much these birds bring into our lives. My husband fought the chicken idea until he saw how I'd actually leave the house and go outside without him so I could check for eggs. Bad thing is he teased me around people who though he didn't like them. The day before he died I told him he needed to say something and he didn't know how much I was hearing about the birds. He said he'd say something (never got the chance) but also said "If I had a problem with your chickens, Honey I wouldn't be buying them for you."
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I put myself through college, so I had to do plenty of things people see as trashy. Like shopping at Thrift stores, being a dirty field tech, oh and playing with lizards and frogs. "You touch those things?!" And I've actually been denied service at stores when I went in wearing field clothes. Like they've never seen a woman in unfeminine clothing ---insert assumptions here.

Once a lady overheard me talking to the owner of a restaurant when he asked me what I did for a living. She started shuddering and told me she was so disgusted by what I do that she couldn't eat her dinner. Really, lizards are that gross? I bet she has a cat who regularly infects her with toxoplasmosis and thinks it is just wonderful. And to clarify, I'm an ecologist, so I don't pull animals apart, I like/need to study their behavior and interactions.

But then, for all the people that find my animal obsession to be quirky or off-putting, there are lots who'd love to do it. And as for being frugal, I'd have to agree with Elizabeth, that even if I could afford to spend more on things I don't think I'd do it. I honestly don't understand spending tons extra for name brands, unless there truly is added value (it won't fall apart as quickly, etc.).
I'd see this when I sold cars. Everyone ran to the guy in the suit. If I saw work clothes that was a good sign for me. My deals always went through because you can own a suit and not work or make enough to qualify. You dig a ditch? "Do you want all the extras?"
It has always been strange to me how anyone can think they are better than other people. I mean really, we are all identical on some level; it's the human condition. Whenever I run into someone who thinks they are better than others, I picture them in the bathroom doing what we all do every day and I laugh. Where is you faux dignity now?
Awww, Candy, they're adorable!
I'm glad you chased off the bobcat!

So I've noticed that Williams Sonoma has a new "Agrarian" line of chic farming products. First thing I think is... how ironic. I've only been into Williams Sonoma once, long enough to consider the high prices and rationalize that I can get the same thing at Walmart for a lot cheaper. Except one time I did buy a set of Star Wars pancake molds there.

What are your thoughts on this? Some of us garden and preserve and raise chickens just as a hobby, and a lot of us do it to save money. So what do you think about a swanky company that will offer you 4 quart canning jars for $25? Or a cute designer chicken coop for $900, that's not predator proof?

Here's a link...
I think you know what I think already!

The bobcat is justing waiting to be made into a hat for me. Lol
Love the Mom tat, Aubrey!

Good job chasing off that bobcat chickee! And your chicks are gorgeous! Your blrw is gorgeous, too!
Quote: Sooo funny!
Quote: LOL! I've told Steve he should build some of these designer coops! Maybe I'll suggest he call them Coopes!
last night I went out to check on the chickens and the little chicks were sleeping together in a pile on their porch. the run is predator proof so I leave the pop doors open all the time now. I figured if they were comfy out there, I'd let them stay and they were fine this morning. I do need to get some more shade cloth to put on the run. it's getting pretty toasty out there. there is some shade somewhere in the run at all times of day but I'd like to get a little more of it shaded now that we're getting the hot weather.

Thanks for the plants, Sunny! I think they will be just fine.

Gorgeous momma and chicks, Candy! good job on the bobcat. that is scary!

Well, I think the williams sonoma thing is for people that have extra $$ to spend on their hobbies, I guess. martha stewart-type chicken owners
I look for good quality at reasonable prices. some things are worth a little extra $ for more quality and other things it doesn't matter so the cheapest is fine. Even if I had lots of money, I think the frugal would be pretty hard to shake out of me, having been raised in a very frugal family. the canning jars crack me up though. Why would you need to spend so much on jars? a jar is a jar. Oh, and I took a look at their raised garden bed section. Just $199.95 for a 2' x 2' raised cedar bed kit! Now those would be some pricey veggies!
Hahaha!!! We are in the wrong business folks! We need to get in on this quick! There are so many stupid people in the world that are just dying to give their money away!!! We would be helping them out!

And you are very welcome for the plants. :)
Quote: Since my response covers your post and Stephanie's, I will post under her's but my answer is for both of you.
I put myself through college, so I had to do plenty of things people see as trashy. Like shopping at Thrift stores, being a dirty field tech, oh and playing with lizards and frogs. "You touch those things?!" And I've actually been denied service at stores when I went in wearing field clothes. Like they've never seen a woman in unfeminine clothing ---insert assumptions here.

Once a lady overheard me talking to the owner of a restaurant when he asked me what I did for a living. She started shuddering and told me she was so disgusted by what I do that she couldn't eat her dinner. Really, lizards are that gross? I bet she has a cat who regularly infects her with toxoplasmosis and thinks it is just wonderful. And to clarify, I'm an ecologist, so I don't pull animals apart, I like/need to study their behavior and interactions.

But then, for all the people that find my animal obsession to be quirky or off-putting, there are lots who'd love to do it. And as for being frugal, I'd have to agree with Elizabeth, that even if I could afford to spend more on things I don't think I'd do it. I honestly don't understand spending tons extra for name brands, unless there truly is added value (it won't fall apart as quickly, etc.).
What is this world coming to that some idiot feels like they can't eat their dinner because you mentioned lizards?!!! Now I've had people think I'm a little different for liking them but that lady is just plain WEIRD!!!

I put myself through college too and have worked some not very glamorous jobs as well (housekeeper, art model, nanny...). After graduating I worked in Social Services, and because I worked with the homeless and did a lot of fundraising and public speaking, I was well known among local politicians and the business community. Unfortunately I did not make enough at my day job to support my kids and myself I moonlighted as a cocktail waitress.

My day job was as a program director of 3 very high profile community projects, with a small staff of my own, and the night job did not at all fit with the image I worked very hard to establish during the day (skimpy uniform etc). Well once while working my night job one of the well respected politicians I had worked closely with on several projects came into the club I worked at. I was mortified! I avoided him for the first hour he was there but when I was waiting for the bartender to get an order he came up behind me and wanted to know why I had not come up to say "Hi". I admitted that I was embarrassed since my day job was so different and a lot of folks would lose their respect for me if they saw me like working at this lowly job. He was horrified that I would even consider that working hard to feed my children could be wrong somehow! He pointed out the obvious error tin my this thinking and I have never forgotten how proud he made me feel for being a great Mom and doing my best to provide for my family!

My point is that some folks have ridiculous notions of what is "appropriate" and what isn't and you just need to laugh out loud the next time someone says something that ignorant!!! The laughing will put them in their place like nothing else can!
Still, I'd rather have (can't believe I'm saying this) a chicken in my house than some people I've met. We're a different breed than most people.
BRAVO!!! You tell 'em sister!!!!!
It has always been strange to me how anyone can think they are better than other people. I mean really, we are all identical on some level; it's the human condition. Whenever I run into someone who thinks they are better than others, I picture them in the bathroom doing what we all do every day and I laugh. Where is you faux dignity now?
I've not run into any unfavorable comments about my chickens or gardening as of yet. I think it was a pretty rude comment that person made on your friend's photo, Missy. pretty off-putting no matter whose chicken it was.

I've shopped at thrift stores my whole life. I was embarrassed by it in junior high and high school but now I don't care. I have known people who are disgusted by thrift store shopping but oftentimes they have always had anything they want and haven't had to be resourceful and thrifty so they don't understand.

Missed Sunny's post while I was typing... that was a very good lesson from that man. how nice that he was supportive and helped you change your own thinking.

The day before he died I told him he needed to say something and he didn't know how much I was hearing about the birds. He said he'd say something (never got the chance) but also said "If I had a problem with your chickens, Honey I wouldn't be buying them for you."
that's so sweet!
A nice memory for you to have about him and how much he really cared about you.

My husband complains about my cat but a few years ago when I was away on a work trip, the cat got out and was missing for over 24 hours and I could tell when he was talking to me on the phone that he was really worried about my cat. So I know deep down he does care about the cat because I care about the cat.

Oh, and my cat is at the vet again today for dental cleaning. At his recent vet visit, he had lost 2 pounds in the past year. his blood work was normal but I've been noticing how little he has been eating and I got to thinking maybe his teeth/gums have been bothering him so he hasn't wanted to chew his food. so I tried canned food and he gobbled it down. they had recommended a dental cleaning so I was able to get him in today on a cancellation. hopefully this will help him out and he'll be feeling better in his mouth soon. I'm waiting to hear back how things went and what time I can pick him up.
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Elizabeth, please let us know how your cat does.

Sunny, I'm so happy to read your story! We're friends with an amazing couple that are trying their hardest. The husband recently quit his job because the cost of daycare, medical bills from sick kids, and lost pay for sick kids, left hardly anything. The wife made more money, so he became a SAHD. We were able to give them some of our plants, and they're excited about learning to garden. Anyway, when the wife was a single mom of her first kid, she worked as an exotic dancer. Her husband would really like to go to church, but she's so anti-religion because she feels any religion would judge her for what she did to survive. And I want to stand up and say, "No they won't, because that's what religions teach!" But I'm afraid she's right. People are so human and so fallible. Even in a group of people that receive frequent instruction on loving others and treating them with kindness, there are so many who have not yet reached that point of love. I really hope it can change. She's not atheist, and she has beliefs... and she will fully stand up and defend herself because she feels that she did what she had to do to feed her son... but is afraid that if she goes somewhere to practice, that her family will be persecuted.

When I was a single mom and worked as a nightclub bouncer, I got a lot of judgement. I wasn't wearing skimpy outfits. But my church doesn't believe in drinking or going out to bars, so working in one, whether or not I actually drank, was looked down upon by a lot of people. And praised by a lot of others. Plus I was doing "manly" work. Most of the club patrons assumed I was lesbian. I let them go ahead and think that... less hassle for me!
Elizabeth, please let us know how your cat does.

Sunny, I'm so happy to read your story! We're friends with an amazing couple that are trying their hardest. The husband recently quit his job because the cost of daycare, medical bills from sick kids, and lost pay for sick kids, left hardly anything. The wife made more money, so he became a SAHD. We were able to give them some of our plants, and they're excited about learning to garden. Anyway, when the wife was a single mom of her first kid, she worked as an exotic dancer. Her husband would really like to go to church, but she's so anti-religion because she feels any religion would judge her for what she did to survive. And I want to stand up and say, "No they won't, because that's what religions teach!" But I'm afraid she's right. People are so human and so fallible. Even in a group of people that receive frequent instruction on loving others and treating them with kindness, there are so many who have not yet reached that point of love. I really hope it can change. She's not atheist, and she has beliefs... and she will fully stand up and defend herself because she feels that she did what she had to do to feed her son... but is afraid that if she goes somewhere to practice, that her family will be persecuted.

When I was a single mom and worked as a nightclub bouncer, I got a lot of judgement. I wasn't wearing skimpy outfits. But my church doesn't believe in drinking or going out to bars, so working in one, whether or not I actually drank, was looked down upon by a lot of people. And praised by a lot of others. Plus I was doing "manly" work. Most of the club patrons assumed I was lesbian. I let them go ahead and think that... less hassle for me!
that is sad about your friend. I hope they can find the right church to go to. It is kind of a crap shoot and within the same church some people are wonderful and others very judgmental. Really people should just mind their own business and not worry about what anyone else is doing. LOL on the bouncer story.

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