
I had mentioned here a couple of months ago that I would like to start a breeders page for NV and the surrounding areas. This is still planned. As soon as we get through the holidays we can start work on these other projects. We cannot, however, list prices on the breeder page. We can list contact info and breeds available. At that point it's up to the person interested to contact the breeder for more info.

We still need more recipes for the recipe page as well.
And no one has given me any more listings for the map, either.

Ok, you asked for it! She's so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it!

the kids are invited to a birthday party on saturday and I haven't told them yet. I'm finally wising up. This way I will not have to have them asking every day for weeks, "how many days until the party?"
I couldn't figure that one out. what is an at and how does one fix it!
That's funny Elizabeth!

I couldn't figure that one out. what is an at and how does one fix it!
I was scratching my head on that one, too. I couldn't wait for the explanation!

Well, my girls are still "on strike". Only getting one egg a day, if that. Worse yet, I lost two the other day!
Both were RSLs. I have no idea why - no one is sick, and they have plenty of food and water. And there certainly aren't any predators getting into my pens! They were my oldest; maybe that breed just doesn't live as long since they are a hybrid bred specifically for egg production?
with all this ran, none of the chickens wanted to venture out this morning. I'm sure as it lets up, they will. It's pretty muddy out there, though. it'll be a mess. I had a pumpkin left so I brought that for them in the coop. that should keep them busy for awhile.
And no one has given me any more listings for the map, either.

That's funny Elizabeth!

I was scratching my head on that one, too. I couldn't wait for the explanation!

Well, my girls are still "on strike". Only getting one egg a day, if that. Worse yet, I lost two the other day!
Both were RSLs. I have no idea why - no one is sick, and they have plenty of food and water. And there certainly aren't any predators getting into my pens! They were my oldest; maybe that breed just doesn't live as long since they are a hybrid bred specifically for egg production?
sorry you lost 2 more birds.
It may be the breed but who knows. I hope you get some more eggs soon.
with all this ran, none of the chickens wanted to venture out this morning. I'm sure as it lets up, they will. It's pretty muddy out there, though. it'll be a mess. I had a pumpkin left so I brought that for them in the coop. that should keep them busy for awhile.
sorry you lost 2 more birds.
It may be the breed but who knows. I hope you get some more eggs soon.
Thanks Elizabeth!
Do any of you ladies have any recipes for soups I could can for quick lunches? I'm not real impressed with Campbells soups anymore. Except for Cream of Tomato. Anyone?
I thought I remembered someone on here saying they specialized in soups? I make a couple of different soups but I've never written any measurements down on either of them and one of them uses shrimp, crab and brussels sprouts so it is not cheap and I doubt it would freeze well.

Wow, the good news just keeps piling up... I can't believe how well these daylight-mimicking bulbs are working!
I just collected eggs today... from BOTH ameraucanas, my exchequer leghorn... and right now, my minorca is in there laying me an egg!!! It's been at least 6-8 week of NOTHING for all four of these girls!!!

Very cool! Congrats.
Sorry I didn't get back to you about today. I forgot that Steve and I were already committed and I didn't even think about the days you had suggested until a couple of hours ago. This has been my first chance to get on line since we got home. If Thursday still works shoot me a pm. I can pick you up too if that helps. :)

Well, my girls are still "on strike". Only getting one egg a day, if that. Worse yet, I lost two the other day!
Both were RSLs. I have no idea why - no one is sick, and they have plenty of food and water. And there certainly aren't any predators getting into my pens! They were my oldest; maybe that breed just doesn't live as long since they are a hybrid bred specifically for egg production?
So sorry you lost 2 girls!

No problem - I'm in the same boat! Like Sunny said - sfter the holidays.
Yes, we're off the hook until after the holidays.

Ok, you asked for it! She's so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it!

Haha! This one is so freakin' cute!!! LOL
I thought I remembered someone on here saying they specialized in soups? I make a couple of different soups but I've never written any measurements down on either of them and one of them uses shrimp, crab and brussels sprouts so it is not cheap and I doubt it would freeze well.

Sahara specializes in soups, but our cooking style is more of a "throw it in the pot" style. We very rarely measure or record anything.
I used to be the soup cook back when i was working in the kitchen. I have a billion recipes but ive been lazy pants about getting them up. Sorry...guess todays a good day for it though!
I used to be the soup cook back when i was working in the kitchen. I have a billion recipes but ive been lazy pants about getting them up. Sorry...guess todays a good day for it though!

Something tells me I'm going to be doing MORE work than normal today, starting with putting on a different pair of shoes each time I go outside to make sure my birdies haven't floated away!

Although it is kind of cute watching the ducks swim around on the patio!

I'm again glad I put that light in the coop! It makes them want to stay in there more, where it's dry... PLUS we got 14 eggs yesterday. That's as many as our record-hitting day this past summer.
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