
Aubrey I'm so sorry I missed your wedding! I was out of town all weekend.
Congratulations to you both! I can't wait to see the pictures. I refuse to use Facebook so hopefully Missy or someone will post them on here. Or at least a link to Dropbox or something!
Aubrey I'm so sorry I missed your wedding! I was out of town all weekend.
Congratulations to you both! I can't wait to see the pictures. I refuse to use Facebook so hopefully Missy or someone will post them on here. Or at least a link to Dropbox or something!
Oh ron its okay!!!! I hope Missy posts pics soon, they were fabulous! It was so much fun, and such a gorgeous day, luckily!
Small world indeed! I'm in La Verkin, work in St George.

We don't have any immediate neighbors with chickens, but a few people on the Utah board have offered chicks and eggs. It's just the transport as they're all up north. My brother feels so bad for her - that's what finally convinced him to have a few more chickens in our flock
My brother lives in Apple Valley (?) I talked to them the other night and they're looking to get chickens. She told me she has several neighbors with them. Maybe, if you're interested, I can put you in touch with them and y'all can work something out? If you're interested, just send me a PM and we'll work on it.
Aubrey, I thought about you all weekend. Do you have pictures posted somewhere? I'm so excited to see them, I'm sure it was magically amazing! :hugs

It WAS amazing! I had a blast! And it was perfect weather. I don't have my pictures from the photographer yet so I don't have anything, just the cell phone pictures that have been trickling in from other people...
So, in chicken drama land, we have another story. I think I may have a very late blooming silkie rooster on my hands. My husband said he heard some crowing this morning. Then I heard a scratchy crow attempt myself. My non-bearded silkie has been looking fairly ugly lately--losing most of the feathers on the head except for a tuft. the comb is looking larger and large wattles. However, he/she is 1 year 2 months so it has been quite the slow development if this is true. He/she has been sitting next to the other broodies quite a bit. Looked like just another hen. Of course, with an extra ornery neighbor, the last thing I need is a crowing rooster. I will have to act fast to find a home for him.
It WAS amazing! I had a blast! And it was perfect weather. I don't have my pictures from the photographer yet so I don't have anything, just the cell phone pictures that have been trickling in from other people...
It was a wonderful event! Great setting and weather. Here are my kids. they had a blast as well.
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Wow Aubrey you look gorgeous!

Elizabeth I have heard of hens that try to crow sometimes. I don't know why or how to stop it but I know I've read about that on this site. BTW your kids look adorable! Did they pick out the themes?

Missy looks like Sahara's hair is coming back nicely! And Joe looks like he can hardly contain his excitement.

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