
Oh, DRUM ROLL PLEASE! 8 out of 8 are hatched and are in the brooder now. All cozy and happy.
That is FANTASTIC! They are so cute!
Neither Kirsten or I raise Wyandottes anymore. Mine went to a friend and she has been hatching out some chicks. She might have some extras later. She also is raising exhibition silver laced Wyandottes that are gorgeous. They are not mean like the hatchery silver laced. You can contact her through BYC. Her name on here is Zoichick (Cyndi)   
Thank you!!
Anyone in reno with bantams for sale today? I'm in town looking for pullets or hens.
I have bantam Polish hens for sale. Sheryl is coming down on Tuesday to pick-up some of my Ameraucanas and she might be sweet talked into transporting them back up to Reno for you

You can see my ad for them in the sale section under poultry 8 weeks and older.
I have bantam Polish hens for sale. Sheryl is coming down on Tuesday to pick-up some of my Ameraucanas and she might be sweet talked into transporting them back up to Reno for you :lol:   

You can see my ad for them in the sale section under poultry 8 weeks and older. 
Oooo!! Where are you? I might drive over or if Sheryl is coming up through yerington I'll pay for gas!
Ooo I'll have to find her. Beautiful girl

Neither Kirsten or I raise Wyandottes anymore. Mine went to a friend and she has been hatching out some chicks. She might have some extras later. She also is raising exhibition silver laced Wyandottes that are gorgeous. They are not mean like the hatchery silver laced. You can contact her through BYC. Her name on here is Zoichick (Cyndi)   

Thanks for the plug Candy. I must say I've not seen any meanness at all from the new SL's except when the splash BLR rooster was making time with the Silver laced pullets. He had to high tail it to the woods as fast as his little legs would carry him to save his life. The big young Silver rooster was not amused. Sneaky splash!

They are not overly submissive girls and a little territorial, but I have a black split for Lavender who likes to chase other hens more and nobody chased the Marans girls. They are separated from the sneaky Splash boy now though.

Anyway Candy helped out with the first test hatch and I've hatched a few more from both the Silvers and the Black Laced Foley line hen from Candy. I have yet to test fertility on the new Foley Rooster, but I think it's going to be good. He's getting more confident in his matings. So excited, but taking it slow.
Zoichick - Your avatar is GORGEOUS! He's such a handsome man.

lsmith, I live in Reno so Yerington is way out of my way but I'm more than happy to pick them up for you and meet you in Fernley if you want since it's halfway between us?
Zoichick - Your avatar is GORGEOUS! He's such a handsome man.

lsmith, I live in Reno so Yerington is way out of my way but I'm more than happy to pick them up for you and meet you in Fernley if you want since it's halfway between us?

Thank you! @sherylreno. It was quite a blow to lose him. The new boy is just as nice if I can just get pictures of him.His tailfeathers got a little crunched in his shipping box but that isn't slowing down his mating. We have yet to test hatch from him, but will do so soon.

I LOVE this breed!!

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