

OK, next time.
Hi All ..

I have been afbyc for a bit, too much going on with building coops and taking care of the flock.

Sadly today I lost two of my silkie chicks that I hatched back in October. I am pretty upset at the moment, they were my two favorite goldens and I think either the cat or my doxies ran them to death. I told my hubby that we have to get the last coop done and all of the chicks put up so that this wont happen again. I have one of the silkies sitting with me right now who got hurt too and hopefully she/he makes it. I haven

Other than that I have lost a few other pullets in the last month or so to something. I just don't get it but I know that it does happen. I am just tired of dead chickens in the yard. I did at one point have my property sprayed for insects but it has been a few months since they were out for service. I have a feeling that I need to stop this if I want them to free range at all. Since any insects wont be alive with my ravenous chicks running around.

Daegorn and I are raising some meat birds... gosh they are the ugliest little things I have ever seen. and MESSY ! I can deal with some poop but wow this is like sheets of plastered poop and they don't scratch or anything for the most part.

SparksNV Congrats on the Layers, not one of mine will give me an egg yet. I am looking forward to that first egg. Beautiful children and grandchild that you have there, and they do look just like you ! I saw the pic of your nail. I did that to my thumb just last month and now have NO nail at all hopefully your nail survives.

aubreynoramarie I did mine in our outdoor cooker ( IMU ) and one managed to fall apart inside and had rather toasty skin too. Congrats on that eggs and I love your look/hair too.
Hi all,
My name is Stacy. I've been lurking around BYC since April, when I got my girls. I had no idea that there was a local group of BYCers and never really felt the need to join until now (I'd always just searched for things I'd had questions about). I am very excited that I've got some fellow chickie owners here in town!

...Unfortunately, my first post is made with a heavy heart...after growing our babies since spring (we got them from Green's on April 16th to be exact, lol) the neighbor's Rottweiler escaped from their yard and somehow made it into ours. He had chicken for lunch yesterday, and our flock of four has been reduced to a flock of two. We are devastated! My kids are heartbroken that Omelet (Buff Brahma) and Bunny (EE) have been sent to chicken heaven. The worst part about it is that their bodies are missing. Lots of feathers (and a teeny-tiny smidge of blood) are all that remain. I have this horrible fear that they are injured and dying in hiding.

The neighbors are beyond apologetic. I know that it wasn't intentional (on their part or the dog's), but I am definitely going to take them on their offer to replace the chickens. Being winter, though, I'm not sure how to go about it. The fact that both of the girls were POL (yes, they were slow...30+ weeks and they had not yet started laying) is an extra bummer. I don't really want to wait until spring to start all over with chicks that may not lay for a year. They have offered to buy an incubator and hatching eggs, which I think I may agree to. I know that my kids would really enjoy the process of watching the babies grow from day one.

As for our remaining girls, Asolina (Barred Rock...and our sole layer) and Buzz Lightyear (Buff Orp), they seem to be doing okay. Buzz looks as if she was at least "mouthed" by the dog. She's got some feather damage, but I can't find any wounds. Asolina seems a-okay. She had laid an egg for us this morning, so I'm thinking that is a good sign! I'm keeping them in their coop and mini-run today (they usually free-range the backyard) so that I can keep a better eye on them.

I hope everyone else's week has been better than ours! Look forward to getting to know you all


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