
But so sorry about your hens. atleast the neighbors are trying to make it better. Whatever you decide to do, Good luck!

I can't imagine having to go through that..I would be pretty angry, but at least your neighbors are really trying to make ammends..I would take them up on the incubator.. and include them in the whole process of hatching some eggs. I would probably push it a little more and find a good mature laying hen (probably on this website!) that they could buy you.
My nephew's dog killed a chicken up in No Calif, and the people shot the dog..Neph came to me for sympathy and I told him he has no idea what the loss is..they aren't just stupid chickens..especially when you raise them from little puffs of this way you could educate your neighbors and I bet it won't happen again!
The world would be a better place if everyone loved chickens!!!

Welcome to this website! It's nice to see another Stacy!
Stacy! So sorry about your chickens... I am going to do some day old chickies in March, I think (with Sunny - another member here). I bought my 6 hens from HorsefeathersNV (Genny) and I know AubreyNora bought one or two from her also. I have a well balanced, healthy, gentle flock and couldn't be happier with the hens. You might reassess your run/yard - how did the rottie get into your run? Maybe do some reinforcement with your fencing. I am glad to hear that the owners are taking responsibility.
I have a gal out in Stagecoach that sells marans. 4 out of the 5 chicks I got from her last spring turned out to be pullets and they all lay a gorgeous dark brown egg for me. I didn't get any SQ hens from her but I'm all about the egg color anyway and I have no complaints about these beautiful eggs!!! Hopefully I can get babies for you and me from her next spring.
Genny and I are going to do a test hatch for our Ams and EEs soon to test for fertility, etc. If you want to get a few EEs for your friend still this would be a good time to do it. Since Genny is doing the work I am leaving her the babies to sell from this hatch so it would be a good time to get some babies I think.
Congratulations on the eggs!!! That's awesome!

Stacyandskyler welcome to the Nevada thread! So sorry to hear of your loss!!!
As I mentioned above, Horsefeatherz and I will be doing a test hatch so if you want us to put a few more eggs in for you let us know. I don't think Genny would mind at all but I'll send her a PM to check. Her Hubby is home so she isn't online much these days.

Shanyalv so sorry to hear of your loss as well! Anyone who has had chickens for awhile has gone through similar losses but that doesn't help much I know.
Wish I could help but I don't know anyone that has silkies.

Aubrey are you coming to the cookie exchange too? It's not all old folks like me.

Saym you are so right! Folks don't realize how precious our chickens are to us!
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You don't have to bake. Store bought is fine. We just get together and divvy up a ton of cookies to make the holidays less stressful. Then we use the cookies we take home as gifts or for when we are entertaining (Ok, ok. We do eat a few ourselves at the party!).

Any one else in? Email me and I'll give you the rest of the info.
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Hello all you wonderful NVers! And a big huge welcome to those who are new.

Hope all your turkey days were wonderful.

Yup, DH is home and we are doing a lot of work around the place. He even started a new coop for me last night
– I am so excited, I am not sure who to put into it. Right now it is on a trailer, so it can be moved around, but it can be made stationary also. I told DH he should build and sell them – it is not very large – 6ft x 4 ft – just the right size for a roo and 4 or 5 hens (I am thinking breeder coop). Ya’ll know how it goes – the coop was going to be for my grow-out boys, I could haul it around the large horse pasture when one area was eaten down. BUT now, I see it and think – hmmmmmm, Flrpl and my Orp girls would be lovely in there, my SL Cochins would be fantastic in there also, then there is Marilyn who would love to have his own girls and larger coop…………………….oh choices!
Guess I just need more coops.

HUGS for everyone who has lost a bird lately.
Does not matter HOW it happens, the pain is still great.

I do have some POL girls who are getting close to but not yet laying (July 7th hatch) – they are mostly EE crosses, feathers in shades of blue color and who will most likely lay brown eggs (this batch) - if anyone is interested.

I also have chicks due to hatch this Friday; they go into lockdown tomorrow night – 19 hopefuls right now. Plus as Sunny has stated, we are going to do a fertility check in a couple weeks with her Ams and my EEs – so more chicks in January. So chicks, chicks, chicks

Ok, Sunny – I will come to the yummy Cookie Exchange.
Cannot say one way or the other if DH will show, but I will.
See you there! Carol is coming too!

Genny that is great that you have chicks now (well in a few days anyway)! A couple of folks here were looking for some. How many POL hens do you have? Your girls are so pretty.
So I should bring my eggs by in 2 weeks? I'm so curious to see which eggs are most viable. I've got to get going on my incubator.
More babies in January!

(I swear that my ADHD shows in this post!
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Genny - it's great to "see" you again! congrats on the new coop!

I will check with the man who wants the EEs - he is one of our surgeons and does his line on Fridays - so i will know more then. when do you think the chickies will be ready?

sunny what does "sq" stand for?

looking forward to the cookie exchange!


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