
so my babies are already almost 2 months old. I'll try to catch some pics this weekend, but i was wondering, when should i move them in with the adults? Anyway, hope everyone is doing good!

ALSO: I forgot to ask, since my chicks are about 2 months old, what should they be eating? we are just about done with this bag of starter, should i get another bag of starter of get a grower/all purpose? I know they aint old enough for layer yet, so maybe a grower and some scratch? Thanks guys!
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LOL! I went camping once out there (at Lohantan) and that makes perfect sense to me! It was a miserable trip with some really horrid neighbors! The Ranger said that those are the kind of folks that stay at that camp site and the nearby camp grounds. They didn't like it but since one Ranger that did try to keep the peace was attacked they were all nervous about confronting these folks with no back up support. Unless there is something really serious going on the cops won't even come out.

Sorry PlayaChicken! I agree with everyone else. The lighter coloring, the huge comb, the slowness to feather out and, OMG, look at those thick roo legs on that little guy!!! He's all boy for sure!

Kim, thanks! I will keep you posted.
How is your SIL? I know he was having some serious health issues a while back, or is that another SIL?

Jeeper most folks say that as soon as they are feathered out they can go outside but to separate them from the rest of the flock with a wire fence that they can see through for a couple of weeks so they get used to each other. I usually wait quite a while though. I hate to see them getting picked on so I like to wait til they are at least half way grown before I add them to the flock. I do have a bumpout area of the coop that is separated from the main, front coop by wire. So they live there for a few weeks before joing the big birds. After a little while I start to let them all out together and slowly the little ones start to join the rest of the flock and go into the main part of the coop in the evening instead of their own area. After a week or two, any little ones that haven't migrated in with the others get put in the main coop at night and get locked out of their growout area. I have had a couple that had to be put into the main coop for a couple of nights manually cause they were waiting by their old pop door at night.
lol! I have FBCM eggs that are exactly a week away from hatching but it would be tough to keep them warm on a 7 hour trip to Vagas.
Ke_ben has a gorgeous new FBCM roo though! Hopefully he can help you out.

Thanks SunnyDawn! Yeah, 7 hrs might be a trick! I did carry one egg (due to hatch the next day) home in my bra for about an hour (don't tell anyone! lol!) The chick hatched just fine under my FBCM hen during the night!
The things we do for our "kids"!

I am new to BYC - can anyone give me a quick lesson on how to "PM" or email someone? A couple of you have suggested Ke_ben to me - but I don't know how to find him.

Thanks so much for your help!
lol! I have FBCM eggs that are exactly a week away from hatching but it would be tough to keep them warm on a 7 hour trip to Vagas.
Ke_ben has a gorgeous new FBCM roo though! Hopefully he can help you out.

Thanks SunnyDawn! Yeah, 7 hrs might be a trick! I did carry one egg (due to hatch the next day) home in my bra for about an hour (don't tell anyone! lol!) The chick hatched just fine under my FBCM hen during the night!
The things we do for our "kids"!

I am new to BYC - can anyone give me a quick lesson on how to "PM" or email someone? A couple of you have suggested Ke_ben to me - but I don't know how to find him.

Thanks so much for your help!

Carrying eggs or chooks around in my bra is something I had never considered. LOL That is hilarious! To pm someone just look for their name (you can search in the members section or just go back a few pages to search for his name in this thread). Under their name and info you will see the letters PM. Just click on that link and it will send you to a blank page. You can also e-mail them by clicking on the email link (in the same place). If you email them they will see your email address but you won't see their's unless they send you one back. Ke_ben may not be ready quite yet to be selling hatching eggs but it's worth a try. At least you'll know when and if he may have some in the future.
Carrying eggs or chooks around in my bra is something I had never considered. LOL That is hilarious! To pm someone just look for their name (you can search in the members section or just go back a few pages to search for his name in this thread). Under their name and info you will see the letters PM. Just click on that link and it will send you to a blank page. You can also e-mail them by clicking on the email link (in the same place). If you email them they will see your email address but you won't see their's unless they send you one back. Ke_ben may not be ready quite yet to be selling hatching eggs but it's worth a try. At least you'll know when and if he may have some in the future.

Me either! But I had an unexpected opportunity to get the egg and had to think of a way to get it home!
Thankfully, it worked!

Thank you for the info... I have found "ke_ben" in the "User List" and sent an email. Now I'm trying to get back to my original post because I thot someone had replied that they had Polish eggs.. I'll take whatever I can get at this point as I am running out of time!

Thanks again!
Eatin'Dirt :

I have a LOT of fertile eggs, but all will be 1/2 Polish, my rooster is polish. & Mostly brown eggs.

Hey there!
My computer was down for a couple weeks and I just now finally found my original post and your reply. Thank you! Sorry I didn't respond sooner - the computer went down right after I posted that.

Anyway, I was wondering if you still might have any Polish eggs? It's too late for my Peahen (I'll have to find some close to hatching or try putting "Day Old" chicks under her), but I do have another hen that just started setting recently. If I could find some eggs soon, she'd be glad to have them!

Please let me know! Thanks!!!​
Carrying eggs or chooks around in my bra is something I had never considered. LOL That is hilarious! To pm someone just look for their name (you can search in the members section or just go back a few pages to search for his name in this thread). Under their name and info you will see the letters PM. Just click on that link and it will send you to a blank page. You can also e-mail them by clicking on the email link (in the same place). If you email them they will see your email address but you won't see their's unless they send you one back. Ke_ben may not be ready quite yet to be selling hatching eggs but it's worth a try. At least you'll know when and if he may have some in the future.

Me either! But I had an unexpected opportunity to get the egg and had to think of a way to get it home!
Thankfully, it worked!

Thank you for the info... I have found "ke_ben" in the "User List" and sent an email. Now I'm trying to get back to my original post because I thot someone had replied that they had Polish eggs.. I'll take whatever I can get at this point as I am running out of time!

Thanks again!

You're welcome and good luck!
You may want to pm Holly31 too. She also has BCMs. She and ke_ben are the only ones I know of locally.

Thank you for replying! I'm just now able to respond as my computer was down for a bit!
I've got an email in to ke_ben... If Holly31 is the same as my friend Holly (NW part of Vegas) then I've already been in touch with her. I got my only FBCM from her last year. And she "rescued" my adorable little "part-Silkie" rooster that I hatched last year.
Last I talked to her she was not planning to do anymore BCM eggs this year.

By now it's too late for "fresh" eggs for my PeaHen - now I'm looking to see if anyone might have some eggs that are already "cooking"
or possibly "Day Old Chicks" for her.

I'm afraid I may be "repeating" myself by replying to these posts... please forgive me if that's the case... I wasn't sure of the best way to reply to the old posts...

Thanks to all of you for your help and patience!!!
God bless!

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