
I finally took some pics!
First some updated pictures of my FFA hogs, and then some new pics of my 2 month old chicks! 5 Easter Eggers and 2 Australorps.






And the chicks!











I also snagged a couple pics of Henny Penny (Buff Orp) and Fred (Welsummer cross)


Hope you guys enjoy the pics!
You poor baby! I don't drink either. Well I do but few and far far between. But I do snore. LOL

I wish I gad number for all my old friends and relatives there. I'd find you a guest room. If I could just find my address book, which I haven't seen for a year!

Sunny, yes it's the same SIL. He's going ot be doing my front yard first. It's ugly and he can't stand it anymore. Plus he's in landscaping mode. You'd think he'd get enough of that at work, but who am I to complain about someone who turned my daughter's backyard into an oasis for her? He knew we wanted to do it, but no longer in my budget, so this morning he said he was going to come over and start getting it ready for irrigation. I told him to keep it cheap and he said HE was taking care of it. If I'm going to stay for maybe a year, he'd rather I did it and felt better. He's Olivia's Bill. LOL First time I called him that he had a huge grin.

OK back to trying to fix this Sportsman. I have way more eggs that bator space right now.
Hey there! Sorry your traveling companions are not being much fun! I wish I had room to invite you to come stay... but haven't got any space available at the moment
How much longer will you be in Vegas? If you need a good, inexpensive buffet - tell your friends to go to the Silverton Casino (Bass Pro Shop). It's south of Mandalay Bay on I-15, off the Blue Diamond Exit. They have a $5 buffet deal from 11 to 3pm M-F. They have really good food too! We'll probably be going there tomorrow. We could come by and pick you up if your friends don't want to go!

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the rest of your trip!
Well the new arrivals are here (thanks Sunny!). So far several of my girls are fighting with the roo. It doesn't look like anything serious - just posturing I suspect.
He started crowing immediately to let everyone know who he is.
The new girls just seem like they're shy of their new flockmates. I threw some scratch out hoping everyone would get busy with that and ignore each other. It almost worked - mine started right in working on it and one of the new girls slowly made her way over and everything was good until she did a cluck then whoosh! everyone was airborne and squawking. Here's hoping they settle down quickly!
Wow that does not sound like fun! Been there, done that, hope I never have to again!!!
I'm the non-drinker in my group of friends (and also a light sleeper) so I avoid those kinds of trips these days but when I was young...
I feel for ya!

Genny how exciting! I choose to be happy when one starts to lay, even if it's too early. What else are you gonna do? (Ok some visuals just popped in my head and they are not pleasant!) Anyway happy that you don't have to wait a year like some folks do for these girls to lay!

Jeeper I agree with Ron and Aubrey. One more bag of starter, then switch to Flock Raiser til they are all laying. I have a few younguns in with my hens right now so they are all on Flock Raiser cause, as Ron said, too much calcium is not good for young birds. To supply the older girls with enough calcium I set out bowls of Oyster Shell. The big girls go for it regularly, they know what's good for them. LOVE all the pics!!!

Kim good luck on your projects! I hope it goes well.

It's so sweet to hear the LV folks reaching out to offer Aubrey a break! Chicken folks are the BEST!!!

Ron glad the girls are settling in! They were at the bottom of the pecking order in my flock, poor things. Poppy, of course, was king (well just below Bertha anyway).

It can take a few days for them to establish a new pecking order when new birds are added. The should settle down soon though. Oh, I meant to ask, has Sunny's hens all started laying? If one of the girls is a sloucher I can replace her with a different one. Let me know.
OK, took pics of all my flock - the existing layers, the new ones I got from Sunny today, and (some of) my new crop of juveniles for this year.

Poppy started crowing the second I put him in the pen, and proceeded to do so every 30 seconds for the next hour, just to let everyone know he was there.


The next two are some of my existing layers, BSL, RSL and RIR.



Two new Black Am hens.


Now some of the juveniles. First some EEs.

What's all that racket (crowing) out there?



BOs - so cute!




Right now everyone seems to have calmed down. I'm kind of wondering what will happen when it starts to get dark and it's time to head into the coop...
Awesome pics Ron! But Poppy faded after I dropped him off!
JK, I know it's the camera exposure. I'm curious too to know how they handle the evening trek to the new coop.

Gaited Horse if we are out that way next Saturday we'll stop by for sure. I'm always looking for more books to read. Where is the 76 station?

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