
Hey everyone one! I'm in Vegas now, and it is soooo gorgeous compared to Reno. It's so stimulating and alive, I absolutely love it.

But I gotta vent to someone!
When i agreed to this trip we were all supposed to pitch in for a hotel ( five people). Well one of my friends decided to pay for the whole room in exchange for not having to pay for gas in the van. Cool right? Well because he did that he's basically saying the whole room is his and invited SIX OTHER PEOPLE to stay in the room with us. That's 11 people in one hotel room! While I'm not pleased about it what can I do? We all went out last night an since I'm the only one who doesn't drink I was basically babysitting all night which I'm totally okay with except for the fact that everyone went to bed at like, three in the morning. Normally that would be cool too except none of us had slept at all the night before because the van was packed to the brim with people during the drive.

So anyways, everyone passes out drunk and of course I'm the last one to because I had been drinking energy drinks to keep me up with them. All of a sudden EVERYONE in the room begins to thunderously snore incredibly loud. You better believe it lasted all night and they're probobly still up there snoring their faces off, lol. Oh I did not sleep a wink. Not one bit. It's not their fault though, you know? People snore, it's natural, I can't be mad at them for it!

Except that I finally got sick of laying in bed watchin tv at seven this morning so I got up, made my bed, showered and started cleaning the room that they all trashed. I was really trying to be quiet, I thought everyone would like waking up to a tidy room, but nooooooooooooooooo. Three of them woke up an yelled at me for it!
"it's 7 am! We've only slept for four hours! What the hell are you doing?!" *snoooorrrreee* REALLY? you slept through the fighter jet snoring all night but you can't sleep through a crinkling garbage bag???

Ugh, I'm just tired and frustrated. I left to go to the drugstore and get earplugs. Now I'm at the buffet eating breakfast alone which is kind of nice, lol. I wish I could afford to go get myself a room for Myself that isn't full of beer and tequila and smelly people.
I'm a recovering alcoholic which is making this extra hard.

Sorry guys I just really needed to vent. I'm sooooo tired.
I have a LOT of fertile eggs, but all will be 1/2 Polish, my rooster is polish. & Mostly brown eggs.

Hey there!
My computer was down for a couple weeks and I just now finally found my original post and your reply. Thank you! Sorry I didn't respond sooner - the computer went down right after I posted that.

Anyway, I was wondering if you still might have any Polish eggs? It's too late for my Peahen (I'll have to find some close to hatching or try putting "Day Old" chicks under her), but I do have another hen that just started setting recently. If I could find some eggs soon, she'd be glad to have them!

Please let me know! Thanks!!!

Yes I have some if you want! Email me again & send me your Email, I tried but I don't know how to do threw here...... & Then I'll give you my email. OK

I feel for you. I CANNOT sleep with people snoring! Just cannot. I would have slept in the van

Enjoy the nice weather. Snowing here - yuppers, more snow - woke to big fluffy fat flakes this AM. Wind is blowing - I am ready to leave NV
Aubrey, are you just in Vegas for a change of pace? I'm always curious what people who don't drink do here. And I hope your friends aren't as frustrating for the rest of your trip! I'd invite you to my house but watching Dora and jumping on the trampoline with my kiddos might now be the vacation you're looking for
I didn't get any responses to this question, so I reposted. I also took lots of pics last night, I'll put them up later

Sunny replied to you... I guess you missed it! I'm keeping mine separate (although the brood out pen is only separated by wire) until they are laying age because I read that they shouldn't be eating the layer food until they are actually laying - too much calcium can cause kidney problems.

Aubrey sounds like the vacation from h-e-double toothpicks! So are the other six
people going to kick in for gas now, too? Well, hoping you have a good time anyway - win some money, that'll make up for it!

Genny I think it has snowed almost every Memorial Day since I've been here.
I've pretty much come to expect it. I just hope it GOES AWAY NOW for a few months!
I finally broke down and turned my heat on again this AM - it was just too cold for me to take a shower.
We actually came for a three day punk rock festival. Our favorite bands from England are playing! So I you see a bunch of weirdos running around you know why. And yes, they MUST pitch in for gas. (although three of them took a different car)

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