
All girls!!! But don't listen to me I'm always in denial.
Seriously, one does look like the hackle feathers are awfully straight and narrow. I'm not convinced it's a boy though. The last one is most definitely a girl!

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the chick pics! Thanks everybody! Genny you sure have some dedicated mommas there. They are precious!
I think I will keep the two that are in question - at least for a while - see what happens with them. The other two that are definitely cockerals are going to our housekeeper at work (she took the other five)... Thanks for the help. I might try to get better pictures tomorrow though.

Thanks everyone for the nice things about my broodies.

Carol - the last set of pictures you have put up - I would say they are all pullets. I would be surprised if you have any late bloomin' cockerels in there, as I can only see single rows on those girls (an a small comb on the marans)

I am saddened to say, that only two turkeys have hatched so far.....................the poults seem to quit developing at about 14 days of age, roughly. I do not think it is something I am doing, as the chickens are developing fine. Sounds silly to say I am crushed, but I am - I have not even told the neighbor yet

Here are a couple pictures of the oldest one - Ruby is brooding this poult. It is so stinkin' adorable




Hey everyone I have been a bit MIA over the last few months, been communicating more via facebook with some people than checking in on here.

I had a crappy visit today from the Code Enforcement people. I am actually on a R-E zoned property and previously was told that I was allowed to have chickens, however someone turned me in for selling eggs and chickens and for having them in general. It's odd though because I only deal with one lady that I sell eggs to and other than that I use or give away the rest of the eggs, we hatched out a ton over the last few months and bought some for the local cluck tour.

I was told today that the new ordinances went into effect on May 1, 2011 and with a bunch of research into it I found that they are making it locally illegal to have the chickens unless your on a R-A, or an R-E zoned property and even then you have to go to the planning commission and apply for a conditional use permit to have them.

Needless to say we are not too very happy about all of this, if it was ( obviously ) someone that I did business with in the past I am saddened that they would be so spiteful to take this away from my kids. My daughter is going to her first overnight 4-H camp and participating in a local Cooperative Extension Workshop this summer because of her dealings with raising these chickens and her goats.

The code enforcement lady did tell me as well that they are monitoring Craigslist for those that are selling eggs as well to enforce the selling, taxation and producing of any eggs that are being sold in the city limits.
shanyalv so sorry to hear about that! This is why I don't live in the city! My only neighbor worries are predators...

Genny sorry to hear about your turkeys! I'll have to post some new pics of mine - you won't believe how much they've grown! It's pretty obvious now that I have one hen and one tom. He is a lot bigger than her!
me too, Facebook! Shanya I have not gotten a post from the NV thread till you posted. I cant believe the crap you have gone thru...Looks like it's time for you to move out hear to Pahrump.

OMG I love the chickburger!!!!

I got Marans, a pullet and a roo from Holly! Thanks
Holly and a cutie that was from Shanya's old stock. A blue pullet EEx.
Redid the duck pond, looks great!
I think... maybe..., could it be?!! I think spring is finally here!!!

And from what the news says, it is soon to be folowed by summer which will arrive in a couple of days.

Genny that little turkey poult is too too cute! Sorry you've had such bad luck with them hatching (really sorry, I wanted to buy a couple home grown turkeys).

Yes Ron we need pics of your growing tom and hen turkeys!

shanyalv I am in the same boat but for a different reason. I'm so sorry you are going through this! I hope you can fight it!

Congrats on the new marans daegorn! They are my absolute favorite birds of all the varieties I have (well it's hard to beat the orps for sweetness though). The eggs are so beautiful and they are even creamier tasting than normal fresh eggs!

Ok I have to get rid of my girls now too! I have a new job and it includes housing which I can't afford to turn down at this stage of our lives so we have to get rid of the girls.
If I can still get fresh eggs from someone (I can't go back to store bought eggs) I will give you a few girls for free (not the breeding stock though). PM me if you are up for some more laying hens.

BTW it feels good to have my modem back!
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oh sunny, i am so sorry! Mark and i are thinking about buying his childhood home (70,000...not bad!?) and its right up the street from you. If we cant buy it we are certainly thinking of renting it. Hopefully this will happen in the next couple of months. If it does i can take a good chunk of hens off your hands.

I set my eggs in the bator yesterday morning which makes this day one. I really REALLY hope i get something..

shanyalv im so sorry to hear about your predicament. Maybe it isnt really the people who buy your eggs, but a neighbor who just ASSUMES thats what youre doing. at any rate, i hope you fight to keep your chickens

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