
were moving

I am very sad.

I do not want to go.

Mark says when we move we can get a couple goats and some more chickens.

I am happy again.
Those are nice looking hogs. Is this our first time raising them?
Sorry SunnydAwn about having to get rid of your flock.

Yep this is my first year. One is going to the FFA Auction, the other is going in my freezer
I'm sooo jealous Ron! If we ever raise pigs I want the name of the folks that processed yours. My DH's Sis and BIL had us over once for their homegrown bacon that they were so proud of! I took one bite then handed it over to my teenage son, claiming to be mysteriously full. My DS was so happy (we are all bacon hounds and almost never share the bounty)! He got all excited, complete with the huge smile and big eyes, so that I felt pretty guilty when he took one bite and then glared at me like I was the meanest thing on the planet. I must be cause I still laugh out loud everytime I think of the look of horror on his face when he tried that bacon! Up until then he had no idea there was such a thing as bad bacon!

You got the house! Congrats, Aubrey! So when do you want to pick up your girls?
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I'm sooo jealous!

You got the house! Congrats, Aubrey! So when do you want to pick up your girls?

LOL. well we put in our thirty day notice yesterday, so im not certain when we will start moving in. we are waiting for marks brother to move out of that house first, then we have to figure out a coop situation
Im thinking of using our deposit money (if we get it back) and buying a shed from home depot. Were there any special ladies you had in mind?
I'm sooo jealous!

You got the house! Congrats, Aubrey! So when do you want to pick up your girls?

LOL. well we put in our thirty day notice yesterday, so im not certain when we will start moving in. we are waiting for marks brother to move out of that house first, then we have to figure out a coop situation
Im thinking of using our deposit money (if we get it back) and buying a shed from home depot. Were there any special ladies you had in mind?

Nope. Genny's got dibs on the Buff Orps but there are the EExOrps that are the sweetest girls and there are 2 more Dels that are your Del's hatchmates. Plus a bunch of others (including a constantly broody Barnevelder that lays a beautiful egg on the rare occasions that she's not brooding).
Hi everyone, well I woke today to a crowing roo
and living near downtown Reno means we can't keep him.
I'm hoping someone is willing to trade me a BLR hen
with my BLR roo? Please let me know as soon as possible, I don't want to get in trouble having him here. Please pm me and let me know.

Thanks Everyone,

Washed the pigs for the first time! We put them in the horse trailer and sprayed them and brushed them.
They need to be clean so they look good for the auction, and people said its better to start
sooner then later so there isnt a big buildup of dirt come fair.


They are really shiny now!

After a few minutes they seemed to start enjoying getting washed rather than running around the trailer trying
to get away. We also moved their water outside because lately they have been spilling it and making mud, and
its better if the mid is outside than in the shelter part of the pen.

And theres my update!

Hope everyone is well!

Sorry you got a roo, Sheryl. I think I have one too, but I live out of town so if he is a nice roo, i'm considering keeping him
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