
I am all about being resourceful. See if you can get ahold of a large shipping crate. Then you can put on some sort of roofing material, cut out a door and reattach it with hinges. Or look for a dog house. I have found that when people add the word coop, the price goes up double. You can also look at They have some awesome coops for cheaper than $900.
Hey Aubrey! It was great meeting you, too! I can tell you having built a couple of coops (with new materials) myself that $900 is a bargain. You almost can't buy the materials for that. Unless of course you are being creative like Justuschicks suggests. If all else fails, a garage sounds better than leaving them outside.

There weren't a whole lot of chickens at that swap but they did have some really nice ones. One lady had a bunch of beautiful silkies!

I picked up 20 trees at the NDF tree nursery for $75! That place is great and the staff are very helpful. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for trees for their property.

Sorry about your hen, Jeep. I'm afraid I can't really help you; I had a hen that was favoring a leg after I filled their waterer and I think she got trampled in the rush. She took it easy for a few days and seems fine now. I installed a second waterer so there wouldn't be such a crowd anymore.
Hi everyone! This has been my first chance to catch up in a couple of days. Trying to adjust to the new job. Lots to learn.

Aubrey if you had a temp spike that killed off the am eggs it's a pretty safe bet that the others are a no go too.
Sorry. I will start saving some marans eggs for you again if you'd like. I haven't candled mine in the bator yet but the egg turner got unplugged (don't ask) an so I'm not sure how many days the poor things weren't getting turned so my hatch may be a bust as well. I should have a few more days to gather marans eggs for you if you want.

Gaited Horse I wish you the best of luck in your job hunt! It's tough out there right now but you can't give up! You've got to be fresh in a manager's mind when an opening does become available, so keep checking in with the same folks. Be friendly, don't look disappointed when they say "No" and let them know you'll be checking in regularly if they don't mind. If they keep seeing your friendly, positive face they will be impressed and then when a position opens up they will automatically think of you.

Jeeper I'm so sorry about your chicken! I'm not very good at this kind of thing either, wish I had a solution for you.

Justuschicks I love your Avatar!!!

Ron I sent you a PM regarding the Dels.
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It's down by D Bar M. I've grown up in Nevada and never remember the street names just where they are.

You talkin fernley?

No that's all Reno. I'm part of the Featherd Friends club in Reno.
Hi Sunny, please pm me when you get back online again and let me know how many hens you have left and would like for me to have. I'm very happy things are working out for you. I'll let you know when I'm ready to do any canning too.

SUNNY some of the eggs seem to still be developing. I think if none make it though I'm not going to do another hatch for a while because of the move. I need to make sure I have all my ducks in a row

I found one of my new chickens in the neighbors front yard yesterday when I got home from painting the new house. SNEAKY GIRL!!!

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