
I think Kim is right! It's gonna be huge! We could start it here on the Nevada and California threads but I'm pretty sure we will need to move it to it's own thread pretty quickly. Starting a new thread that gets so much interest will be a big job but you can do it Lacey! Starting it here and on the Cal thread will give you a great start though since you can just refer us over there at that time and the thread will already be well under way. This is gonna be so much fun!
Kinda like the Julie/Julia movie but without the horrible crunch time schedule.

Hahaha, Sunny, youre funny. This is sooo not just me, Im dragging you all into it. :] Where would I post it though?

Hmmm, isn't there a "What's cooking or Recipe" section in the index. And yes, don't worry, we will help keep it going too.
I like The Chicken Rustler but that's not a first and last.

Kim sounds like we are on the same "bad hatching vibe" wavelength!

You need a new name?
Like user name? Man, Im confused.

ouble post oops.
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I like The Chicken Rustler but that's not a first and last.

Kim sounds like we are on the same "bad hatching vibe" wavelength!

I mean a real name to give people.


Thank you Lacey and Tyler for the feedback on my avatar pic.
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where have you been Sunny? I've missed you!

Thanks! I wasn't getting notices in my email. I thought you guys were being really quiet. Boy was I surprised!
I like it thanks.

Joking!! That belongs to a retired doctor in S. Reno. I love him to death, its a joke in my family to use his name for all sorts of stuff, like required short stories in school, prank calling people, and a couple times I'd donate 5$ to those funds at stores where they stick a paper on the wall with your name on it as Joe. Its probably a mild offence under some law, not that he's upset by it.

Use Jason Atwood. Belongs to no one, as far as I know.

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