
I'll take some pictures of everyone tomorrow. Then you guys can tell me if they look overweight, lol. :] Right now theyre running loose with the chickens, and seem really happy.

chicharomirinda, you can worm a chicken with medication and stuff, but Im not sure what kinds and how well it works.
The pics look great, though, and have fun at the rib cook off!!

Did anyone else get to the cookoff? I didnt get to go this year either.
sorry to hear about all your worm troubles. sounds bad! how does one try to prevent worms in chickens? I hope all your hens recover quickly.

They are getting nice and big again and all is still good. I bought a ton of the rescue fly traps, they stink like you know what but they work really well. They use fish meal so it really stinks like rotting fish but the flies go in there and die and they leave everything else alone.

And yet again I can't get on here because my days are too full right now. It started early this morning letting the chickens out to run amok in their area, then went to the farmer's market and bought pickling cucumbers and tons of other veggies for canning. Got home and stripped the bed, picked green beans, tomatoes and zucchini. Fixed up giardinia mix and finished canning them tonight, made the bed and watch the chickens play. It was very busy, oh and I did laundry too, very boring but stuff that had to get done today before heading back to work tomorrow.

Have a good night everyone!
Oh man!!! Stupid notifications are on the fritz again, Ron and I both weren't getting them! Jeez, a couple more days and you all coulda' got to the 600th page without me!

Kaichai I added you to the opening post a while ago. Not sure if I remembered to tell all the new folks that.
I had great luck with Cuckoo Marans being very quiet but I think Lacey is right it can vary from chicken to chicken! You may just have to sell any really loud hens since with any breed you can still get a loud hen now and then. Most all of my girls have been pretty quiet, though I've had a noisy one now and then.

Elizabeth your house looks great! Awesome job! Better than most professionals would have done.
Can't wait to see pics of the coop! If you could take pics during construction too that would be awesome!

Aubrey I would be LIVID!!! Are you serious that Mark can't figure out why you'd be mad?!! I mean we do all this work when we cook for the satisfaction of having given folks a great meal! And, YES, we do it for the kudos too! Show some appreciation people! They went out for Mexican food?!! There is no such thing as that kind of homemade quality in a restaurant here in Reno. What ingrates! No I would never cook for those people again! I can't believe they didn't even taste it! Boy sounds like they missed out BIG TIME!

I was born not too far from L.A. in Newport Beach. That was a lot of years ago!!!
When I used to tell people where I was born they would say "Oooo, Newport Beach! Well la tee da!". Then I would explain that that was where the hospital was and that we actually lived in Costa Mesa. Then they would get a sympathetic look on their faces and say "Oh.....".
Of course any of you that are familiar with Orange County these days knows that nobody says that about Costa Mesa anymore! It's gotten almost as ritsy as Newport Beach! Trust me though. It didn't used to be that way.

Lacey congrats on the new babies!!! Can't wait to see pics!

Sheryl! So sorry about your chicken troubles! Never had to deal with that so I'm no help. I hope she heals fast!

Tyler has everyone been chatty enough for you?

Genny how'd the processing go? I sent you an email about our little failure to thrive baby. To fill the rest of you in, I lost two of the 4 marans. The last batch only hatched 2 and they were both failure to thrive babies. Something went wrong when I had that big temp spike. My fault! I had a spill and left the bator open for too long trying to clean up and you know how it is when you're trying to rush..., you end up being even more clutsy (course the rushing was why I spilled in the first place).

Anyway, I want to make some modifications to my bator before I hatch any more. I want drawers so I can deal with eggs and babies without having to open the large front or top door and I want a tube with a funnel attached running from the outside into the bator's humidity tubs so, again I don't have to open the bator up to add water. The thing holds temps really well as long as I don't open it up for more than a few seconds at a time.

*Whew* that took awhile to catch up with!

Edited to add... Getting caught up would be a lot easier if I could type! 3 more posts hit while I was trying to type just one!
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Sherylreno, that good about the hens. Glad to see theyre doing better.
Why cant you eat the eggs? Is it the medication?

gaited horse, lucky! Thats what my facebook friends were saying too. Next year, man, stuff's goin down.
Sunny, youre on!! Heck yeah, what do you think of a virtual pot luck on here?
And my mom wants to open a homemade-stuff restaurant. Its like her dream job, so Im going to try to eventually make it happen. I'd really like it too.
I knew there was something I forgot to respond to!!! I love the idea! My only request is can we make it once a month instead? Takes me forever to type a whole recipe out and it may take a couple of weeks to get the time to make the recipes.
Do we take turns? Whoever signs up to take part will be added to a growing list and the first person posts their recipe that month and so on? I'll never make it if we need to do them all in a month. I LOVE THIS IDEA LACEY!!! I bet other BYCers will want to take part in this as well! It is an awesome idea!!!

Opening a restaurant was my dream for a long time too! It's not a job for someone with a bad back though! I hope you and your Mom make it happen some day! So when you start college, you'll also need some hospitality classes and some cooking classes and some business classes and...
I laugh but seriously, I took classes for everything I was interested in. Once you're going you may as well!

Oh, and no, we haven't made it to the cookoff yet. I really want to go but each day by the time we are finished moving we are pooped! I hate moving.
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I really need to learn how to type! By the time I finish responding you are all on a different subject or gone.

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