
I had a little success with boot. I also wished I had given some polyvisol, people seem to have positive results.

Good Luck and whatever the outcome you've done the best.
I will try the boot. Oh boy, never thought I'd be rigging up orthopedic shoes for chicks! I will pick up some polyvisol tomorrow. I meant to today but forgot. thanks for the advice and positive thoughts!
Good luck little chickie!
Welcome to Red Rock

Does it do this here a lot? It seems like there would be more greenery but I guess the soil drains too quickly for that. Actually, for a desert, it's pretty green up here.
chicharomirinda I hope your chicklette gets better. I am not sure what is up with it. Like you are doing, I would separate her from the rest. Put one or two others who are her size and not bossy in with her. The towel is a great idea for traction.
This will also let her eat without having to battle the others………..does not seem to matter how many feeders/per chick you have – there is always pushing and shoving.

I wonder if she was stepped on. Someone stepped on her leg , pinning her and then she could have been walked over by the other chicks – pulling a ligament or muscle. May take her a couple weeks to heal.

I have used hardware clothe to divide a brooder, so I could share a light/heat source.

Here is what I did 2 years ago for my chick Marilyn (rooster) and the two chicks I pulled to live in the house with him. Marilyn was already 5/6 weeks older than the two smaller chicks, but I wanted him to have chickens to be friends with (he had bonded hard with me and would search the house when I was out doing chores).

Welcome to Red Rock

Does it do this here a lot? It seems like there would be more greenery but I guess the soil drains too quickly for that. Actually, for a desert, it's pretty green up here.

We seem to get more "weather" up here........lots, lots more wind and many times it rains up here, but not down in Reno. Or snows here and not in Reno.

Don't know if you have seen the Petersons......but they are snow covered.
Does it do this here a lot? It seems like there would be more greenery but I guess the soil drains too quickly for that. Actually, for a desert, it's pretty green up here.

We seem to get more "weather" up here........lots, lots more wind and many times it rains up here, but not down in Reno. Or snows here and not in Reno.

Don't know if you have seen the Petersons......but they are snow covered.

I'm not ready for winter yet!!!

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