
No, not cold. Water warmer than the temperature of the egg is what you want to float them in as cold water will cause the egg's contents to "draw" and any bacteria on the surface of the egg can get drawn into the egg through its' pores. Water warmer than the egg will cause the contents to expand and any bacteria will stay outside the egg.
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No, not cold. Water warmer than the temperature of the egg is what you want to float them in as cold water will cause the egg's contents to "draw" and any bacteria on the surface of the egg can get drawn into the egg through its' pores. Water warmer than the egg will cause the contents to expand and any bacteria will stay outside the egg.
Glad you cleared it up. Thank you
Anyone know where I can get some call ducklings in NV? My mom wanted some for her birthday, so I ordered some eggs and tried to hatch them, but only 2 out of 24 developed... Ill be lucky if those make it to hatch.

Message pigtail21 (Julie.) She's not always on here, but I know last year she had call ducks.
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