Never laid an egg

Anita Scott

6 Years
May 21, 2017
Thornfield, MO
I have a 1 1/2 year old chicken that seems to never have laid an egg. I have cameras on boxes and she checks all the boxes out, even sits for a while, but never an egg. She is a 3gen ISA with BCM roos. Her mom is one of my best layers. She is very friendly and healthy otherwise.
I am thinking that she is an internal layer, but when I googled internal laying, it shows health problems or cancer. I am going to give her til mid March, then take her out while still healthy. She is just beautiful and friendly, so I keep putting it off.

Any suggestions? She gets layer pellets, scraps, and good feed. Usually one of the first when I walk out with any bucket.
I had a D’Uccle hen that never seemed to lay an egg. She was the lowest in the pecking order, so maybe she wasn’t allowed to. Or the others ate her eggs, I don’t know, I couldn’t find the answer. She was one of my only 2 bantams and there were never 2 banty eggs, nor did I ever notice her in the nest boxes. At 3 yrs old she was taken by a predator that got into the run along with another hen.
ome chickens are duds. Google is almost always wrong. What exactly is her diet, brand and type?
Some chickens are duds. Google is almost always wrong. What exactly is her diet, brand and type?
She gets all feed from the mill, along with layer pellets from our mill, leftovers and worms along with her scratching for bugs.

She gets all feed from the mill, along with layer pellets from our mill, leftovers and worms along with her scratching for bugs.
Brand and type, please. Most chicken feeds are barely adequate in nutrition, just making sure that isn't the issue.
Are you sure it's a female? Some breeds are hen feathered, they don't have male feathers.

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