Never thought I would use this as a nesting box!


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
I have a 20 wk old Leghorn who will lay soon hopefully. They don't have acess to the big girl coop, I have to carry them there each night, so I decided I needed something for a nesting box...well, I put in a tupperware container filled with straw...instantly her two 10 week old 'babies' hopped in and scratched all the straw out. So I put in a large kitty litter box filled with straw! They all love it! They treat it like a mini-coop. They love to shelter against the wind and cold in there. They're so sweet!
My first nesting box was a covered cat litter box and they loved it. I've seen as many as three of them in it at a time, laying their eggs. Two on the bottom row, racing towards the front, and the third pyramid style, facing towards the back. Hey, whatever works right?
What a great idea! I'm going to try that!
Also if you have any connections with someone who can get you some free milk crates, that was what my grandpa used. worked perfectly. he could stack them like steps. fill them with some pine straw and they were the perfect size for a good size laying hen

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