New Adult Runners


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
I got 2 mated pairs of Indian Runners (Chocolate and Mallard) yesterday. We brought them home and immediately locked them into the "Quack Shack" for the remainder of the evening and night. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find 2 eggs and 4 relatively calm (by duck standards) ducks. I let them out to free range because the weather was so nice and they seemed okay with the new surroundings. it is fully dark and even though my duck man said that they would put themselves back into the coop at night, they have not. They're right now in the middle of our pond snacking and dunking. I don't know what to do. I am worried that they will wander away. How do I get them to go back into the house? Suggestions
After only one night in their new home- they have not had time to settle and will need time to learn new routines. Encourageing them out with food might be your best bet for now- but once you have tham back in- leave them in for a few more days to give them a chnce to realise they have a new home.

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