New Anti-Spam System

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Just wanted to say looking forward to seeing Chester and the hens!!
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Although I am a new member, I would like to say thanks for being concerned about spamers and protecting the BYC members. This tells me a lot about you as an administrator and the other BYC members! I am glad to be a part of this wonderful group of folks! Thanks for all you do to make BYC so much fun and informative.
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Well said! It's great to be part of a big forum which keeps its spammers under control.

And welcome to BYC!
I'm a new member as well - have to say that I'm a little bummed about not being able to post pics yet, but i do understand. Not gonna to rock-the-boat!
I do have one question though: what if I'm not a very active poster. Will it take me longer to move out of the "new" catagory? I'm doing more reading than posting cuz I don't want to ask a question that may have already been answered tons of times.
Don't be afraid to ask any question you have. Sometimes the one asked a ton of times, are the only ones I know the answer.

Imp- you will be able to post pictures soon enough, Welcome
I am new to chickens and this site . How do i post a question? I built an aluminum coop and run and live in florida and put seachell as a base and have some questions such as Is it ok to have 4 week old chicks outside it is 50 at night here I also have a heat lamp out there for them if they get cold. When do they lay eggs? I have 4 chicks 3 diferant breeds can I post pics to find out what they are? I know thats a lot but like I said Im new

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