New Anti-Spam System

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I am new here I am sad that those people have spoiled it for those of us that are legitimate but I also appreciate the added security. I am not I big poster but I do love to read the post form others. I love this site and thanks for all your hard work to make it spam free.
In regards to spammers.... I have nothing to sell or offer, just plenty of questions/knowledge needed from everyone here & I cant wait to add the cute little signature line

Thanks for being a great resource & probably the only site I have ever spent so much time on except facebook, & the only 1 I have ever joined & posted on!
You guys are awesome:)
OK, so... this is my first post. I'm trying to learn this great BYC resource, and have been reading it for several weeks but have had nothing to contribute, so I'll post here and there and hope to be "adopted" soon....
Pretty new here also, been signed on for a couple of weeks, but not much to post. Tried to upload some pics of my coop, run and of course my 7 week old chicks... then I read this... LOL Guess I can wait to show off some... Great forum, I have been searching a lot and of course reading a lot.. answered all the ?'s I have had so far... except whether 2 of my chicks are roosters.....
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Is there anywhere I on this forum I can read about how to use the site better. I'm a newish member and can not post anything. I really enjoy reading the posts but I'm frustrated that I can not participate. I'm new to chicken rearing, 3 months, and have a lot of questions. Thanks.
I posted under new members yesterday I guess my timing was bad Idid recieve some nice welcomes and at least 1 stab at answering my question so I'll continue to visit the forums and add my two cents from time to time
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