New Anti-Spam System

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I am one of these newbies and am trying to post on the WTB section. Unfortunately, I cannot post on the WTB section without having my country and state selected in my profile. I cannot update my profile with these 2 items until I've had 5 posts. I don't have anything to post about because what I want to buy is chickens. I'm in a bit of loop here and don't know what to do about it.

You already have 5 posts. If you want more you can play in the Games forum, Welcome new members, Try to help others, etc.

Good luck & have fun

Thanks. Well, I've managed 5 posts now. I suppose when perusing around, it's not that hard to find something to talk about;)
You all do such a great job. Thank you for doing everything you can to protect all of us.
Hello; very very newbie I haven't got the hang of everything yet and there is no way to learn yet because of the spammers. I'd like to know if one my chicks is a roo.but can't post pics. Just me and the chickens.
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Theres always those crazy folks out there that have to try and ruin something good for others that arent in it to spam etc. Ill be glad when Im able to post photos of my feathered friends here
You just did!

If you want to make a thread, go to Index, click on the forum it needs to go in, and click the box in the upper right hand corner of the page that says Post New Topic.
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