New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Ahhh okay, thank you very much!

Just now I went and managed to shine my torch through the egg without moving it from the incubator; the air cell looks fairly large and is on a steep angle, and there is quite a lot of shadowing on the far side of the egg/air cell (the part facing down towards the towel) and a strong bumpy movement there. Maybe that means it is trying to break through into the air cell? I hope so!

I am trying not to get too anxious because of the low temperatures, I just hope it pips at least internally in the next day or so! I'm very happy to at least see that there is movement inside in the shadowed area.
sounds like you have 48 hrs left. have a cuppa and relax
48 hours! Ahhh, I hope that is the case and that it's going to make it. At last we'll get to see what it is if it hatches! I'll keep updated tomorrow in case it internally pips or externally rocks or anything else.
Thank you for the well wishes!
Update this morning! Shone the torch through the shell this morning and the baby has internally pipped and is making little clickclicktap noises through the shell! I'm so happy!

No rocking or external pip yet, but I am watching like a hawk now! Just in case, How long should I let it go at this stage before I worry it can't crack the shell?
Update this morning! Shone the torch through the shell this morning and the baby has internally pipped and is making little clickclicktap noises through the shell! I'm so happy!

No rocking or external pip yet, but I am watching like a hawk now! Just in case, How long should I let it go at this stage before I worry it can't crack the shell?
depends on the breed. 24 hrs
Update this morning! Shone the torch through the shell this morning and the baby has internally pipped and is making little clickclicktap noises through the shell! I'm so happy!

No rocking or external pip yet, but I am watching like a hawk now! Just in case, How long should I let it go at this stage before I worry it can't crack the shell?
I just went to check on the egg and speak to it a little and it cheep-squeaked at me through the shell!!!

No external pip yet, but I can also hear it constantly clickclicking in there which I assume is maybe it tapping its bill against the shell.
Still no external pip this evening, but can still hear it chipping clicking inside and see the bill moving around a lot in the air cell.

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