New Baby Chick: Poop is Becoming Softer & Light Beige

New to Chick Life

In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2020
As my family and I were on our way home from the beach, this lady in a car beside us at a red light asked us if we wanted free chickens...We both pulled over after the light turned green, and my mom brought one chick back to our car.
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Meet Xena (the princess warrior, and yes, we're hoping she's a girl :fl)
Because we already have 2 chicks and a broody hen that hatched them, we thought we could add this one to the flock...turns out, mama hen does not want a new baby, and neither does Beyonce, the youngest of our two chicks. Then, a friend reminded us we might want to quarantine baby Xena, just in case, so we're keeping her inside and away from the other chicks in a chicked out dog kennel (when she isn't on us).
When we first got her, her poop was perfect. Hard blackish with a white tip. After we gave her food and water (chicken starter feed and mealworms and grit), her poop started to change a bit. After 2-3 hours, she now has light beige, very soft poop. To compare, her first poops did not have to be absorbed, the last poop she did (on my shoulder, yes I cleaned myself), seeped through the collar of my shirt. My sister believes it's just because we changed her food, but I've done a little bit of research about this a while ago and I remember it being a serious issue so I wanted to come on here and see if other chicks have been through this after changing foods?

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