new baby chick


Jul 30, 2018
Michigan ( Grand Rapids area)
This afternoon I have my first baby chick. Yes, just one. We started with five eggs but 3 broke and two got lost and thrown out. She already has some fluff on her but I'd say she was probably born this morning. Out of the two broody hens I have, the black austrolorp is the one who had the chick under her. However, every time the little chick peeped, the other broody hen was either jealous or something, because she'd raise her neck over to check it out and then tried to Peck! the baby chick!!! I knew this was a problem and even though you're supposed to go under the cover of darkness, I took a box and moved the new mom and chick to a temporary place they could stay for the first couple days. I gave them water, however, I don't have any chick feed :hmm. Does anyone know anything that could substitute for the chicks food until tomorrow?
You can pulverise regular pellets, but only if you have grower's pellets. I don't think layers pellets are good for them.

Perhaps more experienced keepers can suggest other soft foods that would be appropriate. The little one is okay for 48 hours or so.

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