New Back Yard Farmer.. Forced Rescue!

Our Runner was in the same area.. I can imagine the trama!! It took ages for her not to attack me even though i was the one that nursed her back to health.. Now she is as it again ughhh!!

I have sealed her in ultra tight now.. Not able to get to the pool at her pleasure she can quack all she wants at 5am.. The Next door Neighbors (a fence separates our flocks) has seen video and now locking are up their birds also. They were up at 5am also their birds making noise.

I swear the Khaki and the Peaking were lesbian duck lovers and the khaki always was trying to drown the peaking lol.. but I called them the 3 stooges if separated it was loud quacks from all 3 anyways.. I have a line in 5 six or seven months month old Khaki gals Tuesday. No one seems to have a peaking/layer around here..

Ohh these coons will suffer if trapped i have 2 traps set marshmallow's and tuna!! may toss in peanut butter on bread..

I also am armed>> Very Well Armed!!!
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That's great you were able to find females so quick. I know your Runner will be happy for friends and feel better having warm bodies around.

Females will mate with each other if there isn't a drake around it's just natural. Mine even do with drakes around :rolleyes:
Nothing in the traps nor on the camera today :(

I did reset the traps when I put them to bed and put some bacon in them along with the can of tuna fish "wired down" and peanut butter on bread in them hoping for a catch in the morning..

But never know with trapping..

I tested the traps!! I let the chickens out in the morning click click within min the two were briefly upset one dropped her egg! Oops..

Happy to get out and meal worms for all.. LOL!!

Never though i would have to learn how to be a trapper.

MY cats are upset having to stay in at night they prob dumb enough to get caught but they love bring me mousies.

Our runner wife noticed she was hanging with a group of low pecking order chickens. She is still laying only missed that morning but looking like Tuesday we will get some young gals to maybe flock she seems to be looking for her flock calling for them.
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I am sure she misses them. That's great she is going to get some friends.

I am betting they will be back soon so keep those traps out.

Did you forget to lock them up that one night is that how the raccoons got them?
You’ve got a female khaki kampbell, a male cayuga and the pekin looks to be a’ll know if he has a loud or soft quack..loud means are going to love being a duck daddy!
Another local farmer had excess spring hatch.. Was able to gte 1 runner and 4 khaki's doing cvhiken math replacemnt for 2 is 5 right? LOL..

The Surviving Runner is in there..


They are lot faster then her but she herd them quack she was quacking and running they followed her they got to the fence they turned and they followed around the corner to the duck hutt..

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