New batch of babies!

Angry Cupcake

In the Brooder
Jun 23, 2015

We got our new batch of chicks today! YAY!
Black Orpington
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Dark Cornish
4 White Rocks

We haven't named them yet they have to earn them. :p

They will be joining our Buff Orps, RIR, Cinnamon Queens, and Lavender Orps in 3 different project coops.

My husband says I am addicted and I guess I am but, that makes him an enabler. ;)
Doctor help, I've got chicken math! LOL

They are so cute! I'm getting new chicks and hatching eggs. I have over 50 chickens now!

I name my chicks often when I get them, but the names often change as they grow up and develop personalities, like Prince becoming a Princess (she was suppose to be a rooster

Best of luck with your new babies!

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