New breed with Green Eyes


8 Years
Feb 22, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I want to make a new breed of chicken with green eyes. Last year I bred my buff brahma bantam rooster to my mottled Cochin bantam hen. Two out of two eggs hatched, one was a pullet the other was a cockerel.

They were all black until they got their adult feathers, then they got some reddish orange in them.



The female (Sweetie) has the orange feathers around her neck. They both have green eyes even though both their parents have orange eyes. Also I sold the male because we couldn't have another rooster.
I would like to use them to make a new breed of chicken, also I don't think there is a color like them either.
There isnt anything uncommon about their color unfortunately.
Its what is most common when crossing a black based bird with a colored one.
Most refer to it as black with leakage.
If you got the rooster like that and the hens with color in the hackles that sounds a lot like a black copper maran pattern. Except with red instead of copper, right?
Like you have now looks like black with leakage. With more color it sounds like a birchen pattern.
A pattern is a pattern. And color can be changed to about whatever.
I did not know copper Marans looked like that. If I made a new color of Cochin bantam, could the eyes be green or would they have to be the regular Cochin color?

Is there any color that hasn't been bred yet?
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I'd want more just so I could have them and you might try breeding them to there father if your not scared of inbreeding

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