New Breeds, Genetics and Showing section coming soon

I do not believe that the intent of the division of content of the thread, and that is truly all it is, was to make any of these folks take BYC seriously.

This one sentence sums up why we have opened the new section.  It's not our goal to "keep people out" - it's our goal to provide two distinct areas for all to coexist.  Will this resolve all the issues we have with the two distinct types of poultry folks?  Surely not; but, it should greatly reduce them.

BYC has always been about inclusion for everyone. Personally, I don't think this new split into 2 forums is about an us vs them mindset. I think it's about helping people more easily find the info most pertinent to their quest for knowledge. 

I agree.

As a long time chicken owner and a SOP breeder for only the past 4 years, I will be visiting both of the two sections frequently. Most of what I have learned about the SOP has come from lurking on some of the best threads in the old Breeds, Genetics and Showing section and by conversing with knowledgeable people in the Heritage threads. While I have felt a little on the outskirts at times, I believe that breeding my flock of Columbian Wyandotte to the Standard is the only way to try to maintain the integrity of the breed so I swallowed my pride and kept "kicking the can down the road". There have been wonderful folks who have offered good critical assessment when I have asked for it and encouragement when I needed it most.
Two avenues for finding answers from those willing to share their wisdom sounds like a win-win for those of us seeking knowledge!
One of the things discussed many year ago at the ALBC conference was the attitude of the "experts" with regards to them being kind to the young and newcomers. Quite frankly it's this attitude, that some have, that prevents them from teaching anyone anything.

It's to bad for your short sightedness that your legacy will die with you and the "chicken mommies" and "pet owners" will go to those who will gladly have them and that is to the hatcheries, inexperienced and uneducated. Which is exactly what was said.

I'm so happy for those who think they will live forever. Bob Blosi's legacy isn't the snobby "breeders". It's those who are now keeping closer to standard of perfection birds in their coops like the "chicken mommies" and "pet owners" are now.

I used to keep and show Cavies, but dropped out when it became apparent that there was a wall of snobs I was going to have to break through. So called experts, who were to good to deal with my ignorance and judged me unworthy. Which is what's kept me back in showing chickens. I just don't want to deal with the "I don't have time for you" attitude. If you want to know why your shows are smaller than in past times, it's your attitude toward new comers.

Funny folks don't realize how much alike they are to other social groups. Folks will bash Hollywood, the fashion industry and other snobby social groups but not realize they're a part of one right here.

Yes you may get some who will never come up to YOUR standards, may never show, or learn everything a good chicken breeder should know, but in alienating them you alienate their kids and grandkids who just might carry on the torch.

When you wonder why there are fewer and fewer folks keeping good chickens in their yards, why breeds are nearing extinction and why your shows are small, take a good look in the mirror!

This thread is a good idea. I just have a different opinion on who the "riff raff" are.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pine

Bob Blosl earned the revered stateus he longed for here. He was denied it elsewhere in the poultry world.

edited by staff
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Bob Blosl earned the revered stateus he longed for here. He was denied it elsewhere in the poultry world.

edited by staff
I miss Bob so much. He had a wise, inclusive way about him. You always felt accepted. Yet at
the same time challenged to reassess and improve your poultry experience. If anyone ever
earned a memorial thread, it was Bob.
With warm regard,
Bob Blosl earned the revered stateus he longed for here. He was denied it elsewhere in the poultry world.

edited by staff
I didn't know Bob well at all but figured he was humble enough to have earned a following that whether hobby-est or professional they are keeping better stock in their yards. Because of the kind of person he was. My diatribe was my attempt to provoke, those who know more about chickens than I do. To see the importance of not shutting anyone out. In hopes of getting them to realize that their knowledge can have a greater impact on more than just a select few if it is broadcast to the masses.

I got the unedited version of your post but I'm fine with it. I never noticed.

I'm not angry with anyone. Lord knows there are bigger problems in this world than what any of us here have.

Take care and be well,
Bob Blosl earned the revered stateus he longed for here. He was denied it elsewhere in the poultry world.

I regret that I never had the opportunity to interact with Bob...from his postings, I can tell he was a wonderful mentor. I am thankful that there are others here who carry that torch, and do so without sarcasm and put-downs.
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Well, the breed sections have been up and separated for a couple of weeks now, and what I see is a decline in number of threads and posts about genetics and serious breeding. And many threads have a bit of both serious and "not serious" in them. I personally don't like the change--I think what would be better would be to return them to one section, but label or colour-code threads that are intended for more serious breeding/SOP, and also keep the sticky that is at the top of the SOP section.

By separating the threads into two sections, I think we've lost those who start small, then learn and want to move towards a more serious intent. I think the intent of separating the threads into different interest groups was good, but I don;t think it is panning out successfully.
We appreciate the feedback and are reviewing the positive and negative feedback we've received publicly and privately.

Please continue to provide feedback, ideas, and suggestions in a detailed and helpful way!

I know in my 2 main breeds that I would love to learn more and talk more about breeding to the SOP either didn't have anybody else in their thread before the split or the main thread is basically dead due to some fighting which has made most of the posters leave it. I ain't gonna lie, I'm a bit scared to start a new thread on the SOP page for either one of these breeds, but I have been reading the SOP for breeding large fowl thread in the new section. I think a little more time is needed to give it a good honest try.

Just my 2 cents.
I would have left out the "Genetics" word from the "Genetics & Breeding to the Standard of Perfection" section, The way I see it people on that section are more inerested on the SOP(Type/form) and Rarely about genetics, one only need to see the "Ameraucana SOP" Thread.. so whats going to happen is the following, people will see the word "Genetics" on that section and ask, what do I get when I cross this EE(or Hatchery type pet chicken) with this other chicken and that person will not get any help(I have already answer a few that were ripe for the taking).. So I would move that word("Genetics") to the general breed section
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