New BYC... Anyone excited?

I kinda like it...
There won't be any auctions anymore? I'll miss that for sure! That's how I sell my Aussie eggs each year to make $ to buy other birds with! Aghhhhh, now what?
Also, any idea why I'm seeing broken links (like a little box with a line or X thru it) in almost every post? I went and found my photo album too (uploads), changed it to public, and there isn't any cover image on mine, but other's show an image (in the Galleries section.) I've got other questions too, but for now, these are the most pressing.
I suppose like anything, it will take getting used to. When I was testing it out before I could do lots of different sized fonts and colors. That's all gone now.... No smilies available. :0( I hate the fact I can no longer delete my posts. I dislike the fact that there will no longer be Auctions... that was a huge draw for me. oh well.

No more auctions? I must have missed that. I like the format, though it is very different. I found the smilies while writing this reply,
It is inevitable when something grows to such a large number of members, that a new system will be in order sometime down the road.
Bring it on baby!

I suppose like anything, it will take getting used to. When I was testing it out before I could do lots of different sized fonts and colors. That's all gone now.... No smilies available. :0( I hate the fact I can no longer delete my posts. I dislike the fact that there will no longer be Auctions... that was a huge draw for me. oh well.

The smileys and fonts are on top of the reply page.
I keep seeing comments of "no auctions." But I see a tab for auctions - so are we keeping auctions or not????

Otherwise - change is hard. I think I'll like the new layout once I figure it
the controls look a lot like wordpress... so they're familiar if you've use that.

it's got SPELLCHECK! YAY! I'm going to look a lot smarter now....

I found the smiles
havent' found the quote previous post oops found it.

and... I'm getting popups with "Internet explorer has stopped working" I'm on IE 8.0.7601...

I know there's some folks that are stressed by all this - hang in and use it for a week, then see what you think.

Edited to fix what I just found! with strikethrough! cool. I'll use that...
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I don't care for the new look. I have been on other forums that have this cluttered feel and left them because they are just not for me. I want my info clearly presented, readily accessible, and speedily provided. All three were hallmarks of the old BYC which is why I kept returning. This new BYC is a cluttered mess that needs to be navigated through, and is wonky, jerky and slow. I am hoping these are just growing pains, and that the administrators of this site will fix some of the issues. I will never like the new look, though. I am a minimalist, so all the useless info plastered on every page annoys me.

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